Also imply that every single one of them loves to stay at work long hours and to eat pizza, especially when the company wants to express grattitude for staying long hours ordering pizza (at night). |
I live with this .. "and solving Outlook problems of colleagues " :)_ |
lol I agree pd. Very nice.
I'd add these: - Disallow Instant Messaging and listening to music while coding - Expecting more overtime than is necessary to meet a deadline - Enforce programmers to write the code in a certain order |
Dear Sirs/ misses
It is obvious fellow beings that you need a life. I myself a geek seek to serve and benefit my fellow man as you obviously do not. From what was written, It is is a fact that you think you think. Most likely you are young and almost certainly, un-educated if at all. And if you are not, you are immensely immature. Your statements speak forthemselves about your souls. As what you speak about is what fills your minds. Evidence: the need to bully intelligent people throught anti-ethical procedures such as the ones you present as evidence gainst yourselves in your writings. It is disturbing and most notorious that you believe that actually doing harm is proof of intelligence and not evidence of the opposite, as the 3 laws prove. I bid you well as you will reap what you are sowwing. Good Night. |
That was 10 great additions to my original post, Phillip, Thanks!
David: I wonder if you missed the fact that we're talking about things you should NOT do to geeks. NOT DO!
Alex Kjerulf |
If a geek tells you to get a life, you should know that something must be seriously wrong. |
Note to self: David Salazar is a complete nutjob... |