If you click on "Advanced Search" and just enter a query to search, you end up with a ridiculously long url, e.g.,
http://www.google.com/search?num=10&lr=&as_ft=i&as_filetype= &as_qdr=all&as_occt=any&as_dt=i&as_rights=&as_q=google&hl=en& btnG=Google+Search&as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&as_nlo=&as_nhi=& as_sitesearch=&safe=images
Here's what all those fun parameters mean, and any keyword equivalents I noticed:
as_q: with all of the words *equiv: implicit, or – (not), . (and), | (or), () (phrase)
as_epq: with the exact phrase *equiv: "q1 q2" or q1-q2
as_oq: with at least one of the words *equiv: implicit, or +q1
as_eq: without the words *equiv: -q1
num: number of results
hl: language (this is a hidden input on google.com)
lr: also language
btnG: Google Search (well no kidding...)
as_ft: only/don't use the specified format
as_filetype: pick your file format *equiv: filetype
as_qdr: time range, default=all *equiv: daterange:julianstart-julian-end
as_nlo, as_nhi: hi and low numbers for numrange search *equiv: 1..99
as_occt: where the results should occur, default=any *equiv: allintext,intitle,allintitle,allinurl,inurl,allinurl,allinlinks *intitle/inurl is to words as allintitle/allinurl is to phrases
as_dt: only/dont get results from this domain, default=i
as_sitesearch: domain to/not-to search *equiv: site:website.com
as_rights: license search
sfio: safesearch bullets
as_rq: similar to this site *equiv: related
as_lq: links to this site *equiv: link
cache: cache of this site *equiv: "cache:blog.outer-court.com"
btnl: i'm feeling lucky
q: search query
Thanks for the info!
The btnG is always annoying... especially since it means you can't copy & paste normal Google search result URLs, you always have to change the & to &. |
Cool list. Thanks for the info |
If you search from the Firefox search box, you don't get the btnG in the results URL. Also, the other parameters are at the end of the URL (after the query string), making it much easier to chop them off leaving just the query string.