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Phishing for Gmail Users  (View post)

Sohil [PersonRank 10]

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
18 years ago4,991 views

Interesting approach, but the sites they to et all are legit right. If not Gmail would detect them.

Wally [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

exactly I got that mail some days ago!!!
So – no 500$ :-(

I wrote to Google and ask the Googleteam wheather this mail is from them (I thougt so) bevor I will give my datas away:
Hiere is the answer from Google:

an mich

Liebe Google Mail-Nutzerin,

vielen Dank für Ihren Bericht.

Die von Ihnen erwähnte Nachricht stammt nicht von Google Mail oder Google.
Stattdessen scheint sie von einer Person zu stammen, die die Google
Mail-Adresse gefälscht hat, sodass Sie fälschlicherweise von Google Mail
zu stammen scheint.

"Phishing" ist eine Betrugsform, bei der ein Nachrichtenabsender vorgibt,
Angehöriger einer legitimen Organisation zu sein, um den Empfänger zu
täuschen und so wichtige persönliche Informationen wie Passwörter oder
Nummern von Bankkonten zu erhalten.

Google sendet in keinem Fall unaufgeforderte Massen-E-Mails, in denen
Passwörter oder persönliche Informationen abgefragt werden. Das gilt auch
für Nachrichten, die ausführbare Anhänge enthalten.

Weitere Informationen über "Phishing"-Angriffe und wie Sie sich am besten
schützen können, erhalten Sie unter

Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Verständnis.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Ihr Google-Team"

Sorry it is in German.

and greetings from Berlin,

Jake's View [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Translated from German to English, using Google.

“Google team to me Loves Google Mail Nutzerin, thank you for your report. The message mentioned by you does not come from Google Mail or Google. Instead it seems to come from a person to, who falsified the Google Mail address, so that you from Google Mail seems to falsely come. To be received “Phishing” is as important personal information a fraud form, with which a message sender gives to be member a legitimate organization in order the receiver to be deceptive and as passwords or numbers from bank accounts to. Google sends unasked mass enamels in no case, in which passwords or personal information are queried. That applies also to messages, which contain executable appendices. Further information about “Phishing” – attacks and like you best to protect itself can, receive you under… We thank you for your understanding. Yours sincerely Their Google team "

NateDawg [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

nice use of google translate :D They phishers don't need to get everyone, just a small few to make money :(

Jake's View [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

The transalation's a little shabby.

"Google team to me Loves Google Mail Nutzerin" What?

Just checked my Gmail. No phishing scam. :-)

Gary Price [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

This post via Sophos has the actual content.


Sankar Anand [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

i too even got from paypal and the link in the message seem to come from paypal but when i tried to find the index of link, it was from another fake site of paypal ....

Google phising filter is not as strong as windows live mail...

Microsoft windows live mail cant even recognize the mail from microsoft.

But when it comes to spam, google filter is nice but phising filter need to be improved....

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