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ClickDensity  (View post)

Aaron Bassett [PersonRank 1]

Thursday, July 27, 2006
18 years ago4,785 views

Looks like the same kind of idea as
which has been coming soon for ages now – I've been in contact with one of the admins and he assures me they will be doing a large round of beta testers in the very near future tho :)

david pardo [PersonRank 1]

18 years ago #

I wrote a small article telling how you can do it for free, but it's in Spanish. It's in Anyhow if some of you are interested in an English translation, leave me a comment.

david pardo [PersonRank 1]

18 years ago #

I created a new and revised version in English. The url is

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Cool, thanks David!

david pardo [PersonRank 1]

18 years ago #

you're welcome. I'll translate the secont part as soon as possible

david pardo [PersonRank 1]

18 years ago #


Jonathan Stoneman [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

Hi all,

I just wanted to let you know that there is now a new clickdensity package available. The 'starter' package costs just £2.50 (less than $5) and allows you to record up to 10,000 clicks. This number of clicks is ideal for smaller websites and blogs. There is more information available here:

and the package itself is available here:

We would be most interested to hear your opinions on this package or indeed clickdensity in general. You can contact us at info[put at-character here] or by using the contact form on the website.



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