If you on PHP 4 and don't want to move to PHP 5 just yet , you can grab news headlines from RSS feeds for display in your site using the following two files. It a snap to set up and run:
--------------------------------------------------------------------- rdf_parse.inc :
<? $_item = array(); $_depth = array(); $_tags = array("dummy"); # "dummy" prevents unecessary subtraction in the $_depth indexes
function initArray() { global $_item;
$_item = array ("TITLE"=>"", "LINK"=>"", "DESCRIPTION"=>"", "URL"=>""); }
function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs) { global $_depth, $_tags, $_item;
if (($name=="ITEM")||($name=="CHANNEL")||($name=="IMAGE")) { initArray(); } $_depth[$parser]++; array_push($_tags, $name); }
function endElement($parser, $name) { global $_depth, $_tags, $_item; array_pop($_tags); $_depth[$parser]--; switch ($name) { case "ITEM": echo "<br><A HREF="$_item[LINK]">$_item[TITLE]</A>"; echo "<br>".substr($_item[DESCRIPTION],0,250)."...<br/>n"; initArray(); break;
case "IMAGE": # echo "<A HREF="$_item[LINK]"><IMG SRC="$_item[URL]" ALT="$_item[TITLE]" BORDER=0></A>n<BR>n"; initArray(); break;
case "CHANNEL": # echo "<h3>$_item[TITLE]</h3>n"; initArray(); break; } }
function parseData($parser, $text) { global $_depth, $_tags, $_item;
$crap = preg_replace("/s/", "", $text); # is the data just whitespace? # if so, we don't want it!
if ($crap) { $text = preg_replace("/^s+/", "", $text); # get rid of leading whitespace if ($_item[$_tags[$_depth[$parser]]]) { $_item[$_tags[$_depth[$parser]]] .= $text; } else { $_item[$_tags[$_depth[$parser]]] = $text; } } }
function parseRDF($file) { global $_depth, $_tags, $_item;
$xml_parser = xml_parser_create(); initArray();
# Set up event handlers xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement"); xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "parseData");
# Open up the file $fp = fopen($file, "r") or die("Could not open $file for input");
while ($data = fread($fp, 4096)) { if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp))) { die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser))); } }
fclose($fp); xml_parser_free($xml_parser); }
function write_rdf ($remote,$rdffile) { // check if file exists – if not, create it if (!file_exists($rdffile)) { $handle=fopen ($rdffile,'w'); fwrite($handle,''); }
// get the date of the file. $rdf_file_date=date("F l j,Y",filemtime($rdffile)); $current_date=date("F l j, Y",time());
if (($rdf_file_date<$current_date) || (filesize($rdffile) == 0)) { $RDF = fopen($rdffile, "w") or die("Cannot open $rdffile"); $FILE = fopen($remote, "r") or die("Cannot open $remote"); while (!feof($FILE)) { fwrite($RDF, fgets($FILE, 1024)); } fclose($RDF); fclose($FILE); } }
?> -----------------------------------------------------------
news.php : <? $newsfeedArray[0]=array( "title"=>"Yahoo Science", "localfile"=>"yahoo-science.rss", "remotefile"=>"http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/science" );
$newsfeedArray[1]=array( "title"=>"Slashdot", "localfile"=>"slashdot.rss", "remotefile"=>"http://slashdot.org/slashdot.rdf" ); include("rdf-parse.inc");
foreach ($newsfeedArray as $news) { print "<hr>"; print "<b>".$news["title"]."</b><br>"; write_rdf($news["remotefile"],$news["localfile"]); parseRDF($news["localfile"]); }
If you get permissions problems do this
touch slashdot.rss (create blank file) chown apache rss
(if your server runs as something else , say www-server , just do chown www-server rss)
Now run news.php in your browser again -you should see the hyperlinked news headlines appearing.
Regards, justin http://linuxnotes.blogspot.com |