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Google Paying News Sites?  (View post)

Mathias Schindler [PersonRank 10]

Monday, July 31, 2006
18 years ago4,524 views

Weird story. I am almost confident that someone clueless mixed something very strange. Can't wait to see the clearification at the googleblog.

If not, Wikipedia is always happy to receive paychecks from anyone, including search engine companies.

Sohil [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Why ?

Google doesn't make any money out of Google News. Unless they're planning to have ads.

Peyton [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

Seems counter-intuitive. Wouldn't newspapers want their news linked? Thereby driving traffic to their site where they have ads? They should be paying Google for linking their items, not the other way around.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Updated the post with Google's statement.

Sohil [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Are these the "partnerships" they've been talking about ?

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