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Gmail down

Jason [PersonRank 0]

Sunday, February 27, 2005
20 years ago

Gmail down for other people too? I just get a server error.

Jackie Rickman [PersonRank 0]

20 years ago #

Yes – thank goodness someone else has the same problem, I've been surfing around looking for it. I have tried various ways of getting on but keep getting the server error or the word 'Loading' and that's it!

C. Ulrich [PersonRank 0]

20 years ago #

The web interface is down, but I can still access my email via POP3 – if you really need to get into your email you should give it a try

Jason [PersonRank 0]

20 years ago #

But I have had bad experiences with pop gmail in Thunderbird. It only gives me old mails. And it's giving me them in intervals of about 10.

Here is a bit of a writeup on the situation.

c-1-2-c [PersonRank 0]

20 years ago #

what r the pop3 and smtp for gmail again???

neeev [PersonRank 0]

20 years ago #

its working its working

Jason [PersonRank 0]

20 years ago #

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

20 years ago #

Gmail was down for me for about 1 hour. I tried the usual – deleting cache & cookies – to no avail. Now it's back...

Rebecca S. [PersonRank 0]

20 years ago #

It's been down for me for the past 14 hours or so....I also tried deleting cache&cookies, with no luck.....Glad to hear about the POP3 though, maybe that will work for me now.

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