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New Wi-Fi Hotspot Search Engine

Noah Rosenblatt [PersonRank 0]

Monday, February 28, 2005
20 years ago

Thought you might find interest out of our recently upgraded website, The HotSpot Haven!

We just finished upgrading our back end search engine technology, and now 99.3% of all our searches are served under 0.2 seconds.

We have over 33,600+ hotspots listed across the world, but that will be up around 45,000+ listings once we finish cleaning our new data to import!

We hope you find it useful to locate a local wireless hotspot, and that you come back to The HotSpot Haven to RATE/REVIEW any hotspots that you might have visited!!

Thanks. Heres the link to start searching now:

You can also download SpotShadow for FREE and then find hotspots on your laptop when you are off-line! The link to download your free copy is here:


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