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Bomber [PersonRank 1]

Tuesday, June 29, 2004
20 years ago

Can every1 please post here there threads with their tips on how to bomb easy and good? Much apreciated. [PersonRank 7]

20 years ago #

Hello Bomber

If my content were about "online support service"

I would create a lot of backlink's with anchor text like this

<h4>Having trouble with your PC or Mac you need</h4>
<a href="">Online support service</a>

Then ask all my college/assosiate/partners to give a link back and be sure they are listed in Dmoz and simular Directory.

Kind Regards

Bomber [PersonRank 1]

20 years ago #

Dear KAH,

What do you mean with Dmoz, would it not work on any How many sites would it take to googlebomb a current pagerank 0 page? Do forums help?

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

20 years ago #

Actually it all depends on how mucht sought after, i.e. how competitive, the search phrase is. I could optimize a PR0 page for "i am looking for free beer in a pub nearby london" (in quotes) any day. Because no one else optimized for this... however, try to optimize for "miserable failure" and you are facing a lot of competition. [PersonRank 7]

20 years ago #

Welcome back Bomber

Dmoz (OPD Open Directory
is wery important because both Google & Yahoo
use the data/crawl the DIR.

I think Y&G use it because it's the largest human-edited
directory of the web :O)

But again "Content is King" and bomb's dont give any meening if you dont have text, text, text

There are some awesome tool out there to help automate the process getting high PR.


Bomber here with some exciting news!

This morning Jeff Alderson buzz me with a new
awesome tool "RSS Equalizer"

If you would like to get your Web pages to the top of search results (with very little effort), this tool is for you...

As a webmaster, you've got more than enough work to do. So why spend even more time writing fresh
new web content?

Starting right now, YOUR website could be displaying quality theme-based content... automatically!

It's fast, it's easy, and most importantly, you'll be offering
your viewers valuable content that's highly relevant to what you're promoting.

Using RSS Equalizer with Traffic Equalizer is a dream come true.

For anyone looking to increase their rankings in the search engines RSS Equalizer is the ONLY choice!

If you're not using RSS Equalizer, you're only working at a fraction of your maximum SEO capacity...

This is the tool you need to help you get targeted traffic and
get the search engines to wake up and take notice of your sites.
Nothing else compares!"

Hope you see the picture and I know Philipp will agree
on the subject:
"Your concern should be with your visitors rader than
with to much SEOtrickery" and in the end you get what you deserve! Right ?

Good day to you all :O) Aufwiedersehen
Kim Anton Hollenner

Very [PersonRank 1]

20 years ago #

I was just wondering:
A. Does Gogle crwal Blogger-comments.
B. Have you ever opened an msn-member profile. Check out the Pr... ;-)
C. A .com site that onle redirects you to a site hosted on a diferent server (usually free server); Will the .com site receive a PR just like the main 'redirected site hosted somewhere else'.
C.b. Once the .com gets redirected to a different site, the .com will automaticaly change PR?

Thanks, in advance,


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