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Blog Idea: Ask Companies to Send Free Stuff  (View post)

Iolaire McFadden [PersonRank 6]

Monday, March 14, 2005
20 years ago

Wonderful idea, I'm going to take you up on suggestion with GOODIESBLOG.COM. I'll get back to you if I do something real with it.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

20 years ago #

Great! Give it a try and let us know!

Iolaire McFadden [PersonRank 6]

20 years ago #

As of yesterday it is official live!
Since it will take some time to request and receive goodies from manufactures I’m evaluating goodies received at Washington DC area conferences, shows and other events. The inaugural post featured Bar – Cool Mint Chocolate energy bars – .

Thank you for the idea, I’ll report back again once I get some responses from manufactures.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

20 years ago #

Great job! Keep us updated! I'll stick a pointer to the front-page.

Iolaire McFadden [PersonRank 6]

20 years ago #

Thank you, your post generated a ton of traffic. Tonight letters go out to 26 manufactures...

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