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AdSense Hack to Ban Others?  (View post)

Elias KAI [PersonRank 10]

Wednesday, September 20, 2006
18 years ago7,371 views

A third party can even copy paste your site and then google can see him as the legal and trusty site on their index.(google Serps organic)

As for Adsense, it is true but solution should be as well looking at for those who owns multiple domains and needs adsense on all of them.

rxbbx [PersonRank 1]

18 years ago #

if they double check things.. owners of domains etc. same issues were with statistics code.

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Here's a real-life situation:

Ryan [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

yeah somebody actually tried to do this to one of my sites.

(he stole my site design (and didn't even change the email address in the faq)...then got pissed when I had his host shut down his site)

He even created fake posts claiming to be me in forums and encouraged people to click my ads.

I instantly took down the ads for a few days (to discourage people in those forums from clicking) and then posted a note in the forums saying I didn't post it...

anyway.. I emailed google about it and they replied with a pretty form letter stating my site had not been banned. It's been a few months, nothing came of it and the adsense is back up.

Sam Davyson [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

<< As for Adsense, it is true but solution should be as well looking at for those who owns multiple domains and needs adsense on all of them. >>

i.e. Someone like Philipp.

Something similar came up for Analytics a while ago I believe. They have a domain catcher now *I think*.

alek [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Digg discussion on this very topic –

Roger Browne [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Just set up an AdSense channel for each of your own domain names. The earnings figures for those channels should add up to your total. If not, there's some action outside of your own domain names.

The total for my own channels is just slightly less than the overall total, but the discrepancy is less than 1%. Maybe someone is "mirroring" a page or two of mine, including the ads.

David W [PersonRank 1]

18 years ago #

People get banned from AdSense all the time for not doing anything wrong, so it's really not surprising they will ban you for the actions of a third-party.

A [PersonRank 2]

18 years ago #

Roger Browne,

I think (anyone, please correct me if I'm wrong) the total income is "slightly less" because of the link units one has on his pages.

If someone clicks on a search result after clicking on one of the topics in the link unit, the amount you receive won't be associated with any of your URL (or other) channels. That's where the discrepancy may come from.

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

<< I think (anyone, please correct me if I'm wrong) the total income is "slightly less" because of the link units one has on his pages. >>

I don't have any link units and yet my total income is less that the total of all my channels too. I just assumed this was caused by people clicking the links from Google's cached versions of my website...

Roger Browne [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

A: I don't use Link Units, but this may explain the discrepancy for others.

Tony Ruscoe: The Google Cache – yeah that could explain it, I'll set up a channel for that and see what happens.

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

I wonder if the Google Cache clicks are counted... I always see different ads (most of the times off-topic) on Goog cache...

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

They're highly likely to be off-topic because AdSense won't be able to use the content from the cached page to target the ads. I think they should still count though as they're still linked to the publisher ID.

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

This is cool stuff, some of the ads are off-topic and also expensive.

Roger Browne [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

The ads on my Google Cache pages are largely in German and French, even though the pages themselves are in English, and the ads on the original pages are in English.

Tadeusz Szewczyk [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Well, and here is the original link:

Roger Browne [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

It seems Google won't let you create an AdSense channel to track impressions and clicks from your pages in the Google cache:

[Image URL updated – Tony]

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Cached versions are usually served from an IP address anyway, so I'm not sure this would help – if that's what you were trying to do...?

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Do you know why "cached versions are usually served from an IP address"? Yahoo also does that.

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

I assume it's so you can't steal cookie data using JavaScript or do any XSS using AJAX, etc... And MSN use the domain, presumably for the same reasons.

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

MSN uses a different domain:

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago # doesn't:*1dqrd0s5nmm2k&qlang=3&

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Then is open to XSS... check this page:*3df2nqzgcwka8&qlang=3&

Scroll down to the "Example" and then click the "For comparision, read out document.cookie." link. It will show you the cookie. This could easily have been sent back to the server if they were clever about it...

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Fortunately, I'm not logged in (I don't have an Ask account), so the information is not that interesting.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Hmm. Am I right that one could simply hide Ask's "Below is a cache or saved snapshot..." box by adding some CSS selector to the site? Sounds like the perfect phishing page, as it resides on
e.g. .BG1 { display: none; }

Wally [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

I have looked only in my Adsense Website-Diagnose (zufällig) then the story began these days:
His sites are closed now because my Laywer wrote him a letter. But I still have no answer from Google (germany).
I hope everythink will be ok.

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

<< Am I right that one could simply hide Ask's "Below is a cache or saved snapshot..." box by adding some CSS selector to the site? >>

It seems like that would be possible to do.

bloggirman [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

[beer team :)]

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