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Google Suggests Ad Keywords Like "Pirated" to Movie Sites?  (View post)

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
18 years ago3,823 views

Interesting – from the WSJ:

<<The defendants in the case, Brandon Drury and Luke Sample, said in sworn statements that Google representatives offered them credit to buy advertising on Google's search engine. They also said Google supplied them with keywords, including terms such as "bootleg movie download," "pirated," and "download harry potter movie," which boosted traffic to their sites, according to people familiar with the case. In court filings, both men deny any wrongdoing.

A Google employee deposed in the case largely corroborated the defendants' accounts, these people said. The Google deposition has been sealed by the court. Of the $1.1 million in revenue the two sites – and – generated from 2003 to 2005, $809,000 was paid to Google for advertising, the people said. The sites have since been shut down.>>

[Thanks Brian Mingus!]

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