Philipp, definitely is a nazi blog. The subtitle says "This is the official blog of, featuring the best of our articles and commentary." Additinally, you can find on the left: "I am the real and original Bill White, Commander of the American National Socialist Workers' Party." |
Maybe also 88 is a sign?
(Btw. What do you want to say us?) |
> Maybe also 88 is a sign?
As I mentioned 88 means "Heil Hitler"...
> Btw. What do you want to say us?
The post was research so you get a clearer picture of Google, and you may come to your own conclusions about this issue. |
How can they remove and not the other ones? I can only conclude that the pressure put on Google from pink surfers has worked. Consequently I wonder if enough pressure was put on Google with regards to the other sites, those sites would also be removed? |
I find it totally incomprehensible that has not been banned, its content is appalling: "God's command is simple to North Carolinians. Every family must kill one Jew per family." Why ever Google is prepared to host trash like this on their servers is beyond me. |
I don't know who removed KillBattyman though, David. It was very weird but the site disappeared during my preparation of this article. I could imagine different possibilities, including that Google removed it, but also that the original owner deleted it or something. I've just sent off a question to Google press... |
This article from is interesting with regards to the KillBattyman blog: Of particular interest:
"On Friday, raised the issue with the British Association of Chief Police Officers who condemned the site. Detective Chief Inspector Simon Taylor, who works for ACPO's crime committee, told that they have informed the Internet Watch Foundation about the site. "ACPO condemn this completely. This is not the sort of thing we want anyone reading on the internet," said DCI Taylor."
Perhaps it was this that either encouraged the author to delete the content or alternatively Google to do so. I know this is speculation, however I personally expect this is the reason the blog has gone. |
Google says:
<<We reviewed the blog [KillBattyman] and have taken it down because content that was added after we posted the interstitial page violated Blogger's Terms of Service.>>
(I've followed up asking for more information.) |
this whole anti-free speech thing it outta control. that's a seriously effed up policy. whether the site is nazi or not is irrelevant. there's almost nothing that should be illegal about saying what you want. i'd be open to hearing extreme cases where some hate speech somehow compelled someone to commit a crime – but then it'd be punishable under the law. this anti-free speech stuff has got to stop. |
The reason the warning was removed for you is that, once you click on the blog, you get a cookie eliminating the prompt. is a National Socialist, anti-Jewish blog – what you might call a "love blog". You see, the Jews want to enslave white working people, and I just love them enough to let them in on it. ;-D
Actually is the main site. Overthrow88 is just where the fun miscellany gets posted.