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YouTube Censors "Disney in China" Slave Labour Video

Tadeusz Szewczyk [PersonRank 10]

Friday, March 2, 2007
17 years ago3,075 views

It seems that YouTube deletes also those videos that infringe other rights then copyrights.
A Video called Disney in China has been removed from YouTube but can still be found through search engines and in YouTube its self when searching for China.

Check out
and look for "Disney in China".

Or look up here:

Who wanted it to be censored China? Or Disney? Or both?

Is there another source for the video?
Contact me at if you find it anywhere on the net.

Tadeusz Szewczyk [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Ah, I overlooked that it's just behind a log in:

"This video may contain content that is inappropriate for some users, as flagged by YouTube's user community.

To view this video, please verify you are 18 or older by logging in or signing up."

So used to YouTube deleting stuff...

Still, I wonder why a movie about sweat or maybe child labour is inappriopriate for children or youths...

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