"which is actually an interactive gadget hosted on Gmodules.com"
Nope. It's hosted at labpixies.com/gadgads/gmail/gmail.xml |
this is really cool!! i hope this is the next generation of AdSense!! :)
BTW, this page http://mail.google.com/mail/help/open.html#utm_campaign=en&utm_source=en-ha-na-us-gadget&utm_medium=ha is different than this one : https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=mail<mpl=gabby
how come Google made almost the exact page, with just minor changes? |
> > "which is actually an interactive gadget hosted on Gmodules.com" > > Nope. It's hosted at labpixies.com/gadgads/gmail/gmail.xml
Both, Ionut: the XML source of the gadget is hosted at LabPixies.com, the interactive gadget is hosted at Google-owned Gmodules.com. You can check the Iframe source to see this. Google makes a cached copy of the static XML on their server and turns it into a dynamic gadget via their modules framework. |