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Interesting Exerpts

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

Sunday, March 4, 2007
17 years ago2,200 views

I was reading the Google End of Year Report and came across some interesting pieces.

   • Advertisers. We provide advertisers with several ways to deliver relevant targeted advertising including:

   • Google AdWords, an auction-based advertising program that enables advertisers to deliver relevant ads targeted to search results or web content.
   • Google Audio Ads, an automated online media platform that schedules and places advertising into radio programs.
   • Google Print Ads, a web-based marketplace for placing ads in print media.
   • Google Video Ads, a user-initiated click-to-play video ads that run on sites that are part of the Google Network.

This proves that Google are definately going to do more of those " Video Ads". Also notice they use the term "Google Network". They havn't got this written on any webpage thatt consumers use. They should have a page entitled "The Google Network" which has all their services listed(such as dodgeball and Hello) rather hen just the Google Branded one at their "more"page here

Another good quote

"The second dispute concerned a warrant held by Yahoo to purchase 3,719,056 shares of our stock in connection with a June 2000 services agreement. Pursuant to a conversion provision in the warrant, in June 2003 we issued 1,229,944 shares to Yahoo. Yahoo contended it was entitled to a greater number of shares, while we contended that we had fully complied with the terms of the warrant."

Why would Yahoo want shares in Google?--------Perhaps they know that Google is doing beter than them and want a piece of their success?

Thats all for now,
James Xuan

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Don't they just mean all sites using AdSense when they say "Google Network"? After all Google Video Ads are becoming a "normal" part of certain AdSense sizes which allow image ads...

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

No, I don't think so Phillipp. It is used throughout the ocument for various things.

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