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Well known Googlers on PC World Top 50 list

Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

Wednesday, March 7, 2007
17 years ago2,831 views

The following Google workers are listed on The 50 Most Important People on the Web list published by well known PC World magazine:

#1. Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, and Sergey Brin
Executives, Google

#9. Marissa Mayer
Vice president for search products & user experience, Google

#35. Vinton G. Cerf
Chairman, ICANN Board of Directors, and vice president and chief Internet evangelist, Google

Printer-friendly link to the article is,129301/printable.html

There is one person from Finland too – #43. Mr. Mikko H. Hypponen,
Director of antivirus research, F-Secure company.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

> There is one person from Finland too

No one from Germany on the list I think :)

Interesting to see John Battelle over there. Tim Berners-Lee is a bit too much down the list.

Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

It appears that there are no persons from Germany, but do you noticed Marissa Mayer listed #9

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