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Google Earth Download Closed  (View post)

Phil Defer [PersonRank 3]

Wednesday, June 29, 2005
19 years ago

Have they given any reason?

SuperJason [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

I posted a TEMPORARY mirror on my blog:
[URL removed]

I'm curious how fast my web host is, so if you have a good connection, please let me know how fast it downloads for you by leaving a comment or sending me a message.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

19 years ago #

Thanks for sharing Jason, but I do not want to link to possibly illegal copies of software from this forum.

SuperJason [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

The strange thing is that I can still download the file from Google.

I'm curious what would make the software illegal? I'm not arguing, I would just like to know.

Michael Schaap [PersonRank 3]

19 years ago #

My guess is that the map download traffic is the issue.
Maps are downloaded a *lot* more slowly than yesterday...

   – Michael

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

19 years ago #

SuperJason, I think the fact the EXE is hosted on your server, not, would make it an illegal copy. I'm no lawyer but I prefer we just wait until it's back-up :)

LeegleechN [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

Just to clarify, the program still works, but Google wants to cut down on new downloads to reduce the strain on their servers.

SuperJason [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

I tried installing it on a second server, and it won't activate. I was really looking forward to using it home on my faster connection.

TTakahashi [PersonRank 0]

19 years ago #

If you go to you will fine something that looks a lot like Google Earth's viewer. Only Seattle area data.
Its a Java app so you just need to have the JRE installed.

SirGeek [PersonRank 0]

19 years ago #

Google Earth is still available for download at 3000-2054_2-10411075.html. I haven't tried installing it yet.

Chris C [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

I downloaded and installed Google Earth. I get a login prompt when I run the program. I tried my GMail/Google account but it wouldn't let me in.

Any suggestions?

Shaun Robinson [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

Google Earth is now available to download again

Gavin Ostlund [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

The page on Google's site says it is still down, however if you go directly to the download on Google's page ( you can still download the app. As I am not hosting this on my own site, I don't think there should be any legal issues... It's simply a link to the actual download provided by the issuer of the download. If they really didn't want people downloading it, they would have made it unavailable for download by removing the file.

luke fraiser [PersonRank 0]

19 years ago #

I tryed to download tihs file and they would't let me this sucks it all a fake don't get it

Bisdak [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

I cant believe google earth can be only downloaded in there server. How can i download that software if my service provider block their site. Help anybody there knows any mirror site to download google earth. ASAP.

dpneal [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Why would your service provider block a google site? (do you live in china?) Time to switch service providers i think. :)

David Hetfield [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

lol... i think so too..
and just search in Google: 'Google Earth download' and thats it..
but if you really live in china,and you cant do that, there you go then:

or a direct link:

have fun :)

David Hetfield [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

BTW, the license is free..

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