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configuration of gmail in outlook

nebukkuriakose [PersonRank 0]

Friday, March 16, 2007
17 years ago5,658 views

am trying to configure gmail in outlook,can u give me the configuration of pop3 and smtp

Ahsan ( [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

Goto the Tools menu and select Accounts
Click the Add -> Mail button
Select "POP3" and click next
Fill in your name and e-mail address (myemail[put at-character here]
Fill in the blanks as seen below.

Incoming mail server (POP3): localhost (or or your network computer name)
Outgoing mail server (SMTP): localhost (same as POP3)


Click next and fill in your AOL screen name (no spaces) and your password.


Once complete, go back to the Internet Accounts window, select localhost and click Properties
Under the General Tab, you may rename localhost to a more descriptive name (Gmail mail account, for example)
Head over to the Servers Tab and check "My server requires authentication"

Click OK and close the Accounts menu. Proceed to Step 2 to configure Outlook Express' sorting functions (required).
Setup Part 2 – Rules Wizard (This section required only once per computer)
Start by going to the Tools menu,
Select Message Rules,
Select Mail

Outlook Express XP/6.0 Message Rules Window

In the Message Rules window, click New
In the New Mail Rule window, under Select the Conditions for your rule, check Where the From line contains people
Under Select the Actions for your rule, checkDelete it and Stop processing more rules (you may need to scroll down to see it)
Under Rule Description, click on contains people
In the Type Specific Words window, enter delete[put at-character here]delete.del (double-check for accuracy and capital letters)
Click Add, and then OK
Click OK to close the Mail Rule Window, and then OK once more to close the Message Rules Window
If you are using eMail2Pop's Spam Filter:
   Go to Instructions for Spam Filter Configuration (required if you are using the Spam Filtering function in eMail2Pop)
Setup is complete! Enjoy Gmail POP3 service!

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