I came across http://www.weebly.com/ recently which also seems to work pretty well. |
Have you guys tried this JavaScript for Firefox? javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0 |
Haochi: Oh, man, thanks for that code! I just had *so* much fun vandalizing the Google Blogoscoped page! :D
I tried it first in Opera. It works even better there, as the edited page will still look just like the normal page as you're changing it. You could make some really nifty and easy hacked pages this way... ;) |
Phillip, take note that I mentioned Jimdo before o the forum: http://blogoscoped.com/forum/87498.html#id87885 My page is http://onreact.jimdo.com My conclusion also was that Jimdo surpasses Google Page Creator by far. |