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Placement help in Google Local

larry szulc [PersonRank 0]

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
17 years ago3,902 views


I thought some of you might have some advice for me regarding Google Local. I have a pool service company and we want to be represented on the Google Local results/ w map—A. B. C. positions on the Google site. We have recently been solicited by a company called IZoneMarketing; they say that they have proprietary rights to sell positioning in Google, Yahoo, and MSN Local results. In essence they tell me that because they know how to submit to the proper data bases which G, Y, & MSN utilize- and especially because my data would gain popularity points as it is linked to all of their data—they CONTROL these top three positions.


To wit, I said that I am already in Yahoo Local Results for my area in position #2; and her reply was, "not for long". Not for long because they are marketing to business owners like me and selling these positions.


Do they have the power to do this?

Q2. Can I do what they are doing for my own placement?

Q.3 What is the best source/sites to keep abreast on what is happening with Local search—especially Google. And how do I understand where they are getting their data so I can optimize my business?


Thanks, hope you can provide some help as this solicitation is feeling a bit manipulative to say the least.



Larry Szulc

Spectrum Pool Care

Mike Blumenthal [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #


They do not appearing to be doing anything that you can not do yourself. Google's positions in both the Local Onebox (the top 3 you see on the main results page) and in the Google Maps is determined by Google's algorithm. Being included in Goog 411 for example happens automatically for everyone in Google Maps.

Mike Blumenthal
Understanding Google Maps and Yahoo Local Search

[Signature URL removed – Tony]

Tadeusz Szewczyk [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

In fact any SEO company suggesting close ties to Google can be considered a bad apple.

jonathan golnik [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #


I am having a problem getting my website listed in Google Local results page. I registered my business about 18 months ago and to this day I have not appeared in thelocal listings. Where does google get its local listings from? their own algorithm? It is very frustating. Any ideas?



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