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Desktop calendar for GCal - Need advice

GuillaumeB [PersonRank 9]

Friday, March 23, 2007
17 years ago2,921 views

Hi all

Today I received my invitation to test Scrybe. I have to say i am really amazed by the offline mode!

I was wondering if you could advise me some cool (free?) desktop calendar (other than Outlook...) that I could use to auto sync with GCal on Windows XP


Hong Xiaowan [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

In fact, calendar in PC can not workwell.
Write on a big paper and paste on the wall is better. Finish one, line a one.

GuillaumeB [PersonRank 9]

17 years ago #

well yeh it can. I use my laptop everyday and for 5 hours I have to be in offline mode. that's why I'm looking for a desktop client that I could sync.

On another note this problem could also be solved if Google provided a mobile calendar, something similar to the excellent GMail Mobile

Hong Xiaowan [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Mobile screen so small. The PC calendar will be really useful when the Glass Screen comes, big size can work comfortly.

Also you can try film screen.

I use three computer, but still feel boring. I should buy a film screen.

GuillaumeB [PersonRank 9]

17 years ago #

Well for those interestedI have found Calgoo at It is a free calendar in which you can sync your GCal account.

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