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Picasa on Ubuntu

Jorg [PersonRank 1]

Friday, March 23, 2007
17 years ago2,805 views

Well, I finally switched to ubuntu as my main workspace. Liking it a lot for 2 weeks now. I just installed picasa and what do I see.. It makes a Picasadocuments folder in my homedrive and within that folder you see three subfolders:
- My Music
- My Pictures
- My Videos

Anything coming up with Picasa? Will it become a complete media file manager? Or did I miss something. Just thought it was worth mentioning.

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Hmmm... I downloaded picasa from pirate bay(for speed) and it suppports video and music. When i start it up it automatically files them in Picasa. I'm pretty sure that picasa has always been able to do this.

Jorg [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

Really? I always thought it was just a picture application only...

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Yup, thats what google says. No mention on their site

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