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Catching Terrorists 2.0  (View post)

Zango [PersonRank 0]

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
18 years ago5,540 views

proxy ;/

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

"Advertisements and associated websites may not promote violence or advocate against a protected group. A protected group is distinguished by their:

   * Race or ethnic origin
   * Color
   * National origin
   * Religion
   * Disability
   * Sex
   * Age
   * Veteran status
   * Sexual orientation/Gender identity "

Tom [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

Someone should of done a bit of research first!

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

The "weapons sales" ad links to an organization for "weapon sales monitoring": .

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Ionut, that ad might still attract a terorist, no matter what's behind it ;)

/pd [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

what is a terrorist eh ?? I think that times, terrorism happens at the normal 'anon' stage right here in the America..take a look at whats brewing here ..

As for a click on Weapons sales via Adsense ? heheh that would be a dumbest act ever, for a wanna be perp!

Ehsan [PersonRank 1]

18 years ago #

What is that "US News in arabic" doing on "terrorism" search results?? :D

Peter [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

Glad to know a blog I read every day is supportive of my government tracking everything I do online and harrassing me and terrorizing me and my family and eventually arresting me and throwing me in jail and murdering me based on what i read. That's really great stuff.

Congrats. Good to know that Bush and the governments of China, Russia, and many others have such strong supporters in the blogosphere. Good to know that for some the Terror/Patriot Act is just not enough. Good to know that people are more interested in tracking down grannies baking cookies for peace than they are in the NYPD running an international spying/surveillance operation to intimidate law-abiding citizens not only in the U.S. but the world over.

Great way to start my morning.

Elias Kai [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

very smart, but already most government has access to any search, email sent. Hmmm cool to measure conversion rates from those ads to actual facts, any one has a study on this special keyword cluster ?

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

> Glad to know a blog I read every day is supportive
> of my government tracking everything I do online
> and harrassing me and terrorizing me and my
> family and eventually arresting me and throwing me
> in jail and murdering me based on what i read. That's
> really great stuff.

Peter, relax, and see the satirical side of some of the posts here. I believe the word "terrorist" itself is useless – too unprecise to discuss root problems – for anything but satire or criticism of language, so accordingly I'm careful to only use it in such contexts.

MenthiX [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

...and clicking such an ad would make you a terrorist because of what?

I did read "tutorials" on how to make a bomb too... I might read articles on topics like “how to become a Taliban”, “overtake USA” or “escape Guantanamo” too when they seem interesting enough. Why? because I'm a terrorist? No! Because I'm anti-USA? I'm against some parts of the system, but no that won't be the reason. I would simply read such articles out of curiosity.

You seriously think wasting Adwords money plus falsely accusing people is a good idea?

FYI: I'm not a terrorist and I don't want to be anything like it either. I can't relate even the slightest to terrorism or using violence to make a statement. But I do find it interesting to read about how these sick people think and work.

Peter [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

So, is this a satirical post?

Either it is or it isn't. Whether the comments are satirical or not is completely irrelevant. YOYOW – you own your own words.

I'm not the smartest cookie, but it seems like your post is awfully enthusiastic about this type of surveillance, if not surveillance in general, and it does not seem to be satirical in any way.

This surveillance stuff actually matters to me. And it should to you, too.

I'm all for joking around, and I can usually spot satire – I read Eschaton and The Onion regularly – but I have been fooled by bad online satire, before. It'll happen again, I'm sure.

But when shizzle like this happens, is it really time to start cheerleading the terrorists who have already affected my life so much?

And as for the usefulness of the word 'terrorism', I'm not sure why you should have any hesitation about it. The word means what it means – '-ist' means, in short, speaking of the 'chief duty/characteristic of a person'. I could be described loosely as a socialist, anarchist, and a bunch of other 'ist's. Bush and Osama bin Laden can be described as terrorists, because they are purveyors of violence against innocent civilians to achieve political goals – though, of course, putting these two in the same category really is not appropriate – Osama bin Laden could only dream of becoming the terrorist that George Bush is. So, don't hesitate.

And don't support surveillance/spying/harassment of innocent civilians. Don't support cockamamie schemes by governments around the world to further oppress their people.


Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

> So, is this a satirical post?

I tried to answer above Peter...

Martin [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

Huch, no "Terrorist. Quality new and used items. Search for Terrorist now!" adword box? How did *that* happen?

/pd [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

yeah a nice read here wrt to normal folks:)_

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