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Google Adsense Exchange Rates Discrepancies?

Prashanth [PersonRank 2]

Thursday, March 29, 2007
17 years ago3,176 views

I read todays post on Amit Agarwals website ( about Google's new feature the Earnings Statement. I asked a friend of mine from India to send me his statement and was surprised to see different exchange rates mentioned for both statements. Both are addressed to India in Indian Rupees.

Amith Agarwal Statement: (Exchange Rate: 44.500)

Friends Statement: (Exchange Rate: 42.920)

Do you guys seen this before? What is the criteria for this? This makes a difference of Rs: 2864.45

Note: I did not checked the authenticity of Amith's Image (It might be a demo one)

Raj [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

I think that Amit One IS Fake

COz this Time the Excjange rate is 42.920

and i also cheked it with my frnds in india, and all have the same Exchange rate 42.920


[Signature URL removed – Tony]

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