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Gmail Paper For Real (Sort Of)  (View post)

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

Thursday, April 5, 2007
17 years ago4,243 views

Mathias H. sent this in:

<<you might be interested in this new french service, that offers
something related to "gmail paper" :

They offer to print up to 20 of your pictures each week and send them
to you, for free (only in France). The service is paid by advertisers
: at the bottom of each picture is a banner with some ad, that you can

Mrrix32 [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

How long till someone puts a network of wires in to our sewers then? :-D

Dan [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

or does pretty much the same thing.

Emily [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

Seriously, seriously, I was totally fooled by google this morning when I went to Gmail's page to check my mail.

I wonder how many of you were fooled by Google about this paper mail feature – they can print your emails/attachments unlimitedly for free and ship to you for free too! I went into my gmail account and was desperately looking for that so-called "paper mail" button.. I didn't find it of course, and yet it still didn't ring the bell. I continued to search in the help section and saw a whole bunch of fools like me wondering where the damn button was, although I still hadn't got it until someone said it outloud and clear "happy april fool's day!" Darn it!

Well, although google's print-for-free service is just a joke, I do want to recommend a website that can truly turn your softcopy into hardcopy and mail for free. Definitely not a joke.

[URL unlinked – Tony]

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