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Wikipedia List Of Places Blurred Out on Google Maps

Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

Friday, April 13, 2007
18 years ago9,888 views

This list was released as Wikipedia document on Thu 12th April:

There are many, many updates and additions already (and it was expected!)

The places are from USA, France, Netherlands, Russia and Asia.

covered at

This place is without name and description:,-74.375982&t=k

Heebie Sudoku [PersonRank 5]

18 years ago #

The list is up for deletion....and that black square is pretty weird. Does anyone know what that position looks like in Google Earth?

Joe [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

You can see it on yahoo maps,%20centerville,%20ky&trf=0&lon=-84.418618&lat=37.979209&mag=1

Heebie Sudoku [PersonRank 5]

18 years ago #

But is there anything there? Like a military base or anything?

Jack Hynes [PersonRank 6]

18 years ago #

The screenshot you have Phillipp is without doubt just a water droplet.

Abby Shaw [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

I've been noticing these spots for the past six months – it's a very interesting twist on "free information" model. My points of interest are on the coast of Italy, between Genoa and Pisa, the city of La Spezia and all surrounding coastline is blurred – and it's a big area for Italian Naval operations, I guess. Anyway, there are many sailors wandering around on leave from time to time...Too bad cause I wanted to see the beaches there. Also in Switzerland, in the Lauterbrunnen valley, near Interlachen. Both spots recommended years ago by Rick Steves, h'm. I wonder if he gets his vacation spot tips from international miliary folks...

Frank Taylor [PersonRank 1]

18 years ago #

While some of these locations are actually censored data as performed by the company or government who supplied the data to Google, other locations are data errors which occurred in most cases during the process of taking or processing the photos. You can read more about this, and find a link to a complete compendium of all reported errors (and censorship) for Google Earth, in this article from Google Earth Blog:

The linked forums also provide you with an opportunity to report errors to Google. Google's image processing staff officially monitors these forum threads and is puts the errors in its database for future correction.

Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

The Wikipedia document title has been changed from
"List of places blurred out on Google Maps"
"Satellite images censored by Google Maps" now.

I think that it gives an impression that Google makes this censorship business.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

The old name was much better.

Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Yes, much better and it's not Wikipedia's job to share information is the censor Google or no.
But there are a lot of opinions posted to related Articles_for_deletion section:

Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

And now there is a different title again:
List of map locations with missing or unclear data

The new URL includes this name too:

Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Ooops, wrong text string copied from the clipboard, the title is:

"Satellite map images with missing or unclear data"

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #,+04%C2%B026%E2%80%B222.74%E2%80%B3E&ie=UTF8&oe=UTF-8&client=firefox-a&ll=52.248689,4.439871&spn=0.004834,0.010042&t=k&z=17&om=1
2 questions

1. Why is that blocked?
2. Who drew the picture?

John Honeck [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

I think it's just really really deep water in a square like arrangement.

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