Google Blogoscoped

Monday, May 17, 2004

What If... Google Would Be Evil? (Part 6 of 10)

Google repeated their mantra in the latest statement attached to their IPO filing, when Larry Page wrote “Don’t be evil”. This was to remind us what the big G strives to avoid. And some might already be scared. We don’t like to switch tools all the time, and put trust into things served by Google may be our website host (, our community (Orkut), our paycheck (AdSense), and last not least our search engine. But we are ready to watch for the signs – and as Google also repeatedly states, other sites are just one click away.
So let’s ask ourselves: What if... Google would be evil?

6. Google spamming your mailbox

Google got this planet’s largest copy of the WWW and Usenet. Which means they pretty much know every email on the planet, including yours. And who else but the guys from Googleplex would know how to combine this billion-items mailing list with some, uh, context-relevant unsolicited emails?

To be continued...


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