On July 4th, 2004, Michael Moore started a blog “for the common good or just to keep from watching whatever crap is on TV right now.” (Dude, where’s your comments section?)
“Klogs [Knowledge Logs] are simply blog software interfaces appropriated for company knowledge-management tools as a quick and easy, and participatory, content management system. Some firms may have IT departments build content management tools from scratch, often with uneven results due to usability difficulty. The sheer number of blog users online testifies to the ease of use for blog software, which may speak for their adoption for in-house klogs.”
– Christine Boese, The Spirit of Paulo Freire in Blogland (Into the Blogosphere) [Via Jerz.]
The Nigritude Ultramarine contest, second and final round, ended today.
“The winner of the stayer prize is:
Anil Dash - anildash
For the bonus prizes:
Best Blog: theanomaly with http://nigritude-ultramarine.theanomaly.co.uk/
Best Definition: powerofeyes
http://www.toprankingcompany.com/index.htm (read the story of the angry crow)
Judge’s Choice: srainwater with
– Chris, SearchGuild.com, Jul 07, 2004
The Googles from Goo are fighting back:
“Stelor Productions, a Darnestown, Md. based children’s entertainment company has filed a notice of opposition with the U.S. Commerce Department’s Patent and Trademark Office concerning trademark applications made by popular search engine Google.”
– Jennifer Laycock, Google Under Fire (Search Engine Guide), July 07, 2004
The art of CSS (Cascading StyleSheets) is not only helpful to keep your HTML lean and highly accessible to search engines (and other clients). It can also be used to draw a house.
Bloglines.com (a nice web-based RSS-reader) is celebrating its first birthday and received a face-lift, as well as a new blogging feature of their own called “Clip Blogs”.
My colleague Markus is battling spam trying to become the owner of his inbox again, but apparently Gmail protection is not a lot of help in the quest.
What DMOZ.org is to HTML pages, RSSfeeds.com sets out to be for RSS feeds. [Via ResearchBuzz.]
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