GooglePreview is a Firefox browser extension which inserts preview thumbnails and Amazon products into Google searches. (Note the server storing the thumbnails seems to be down at the moment.)
Another program to interface Gmail is the soon-to-come GmailerXP.
News is out that the next Star Wars movie (call it sequel or prequel, number 3 or 6) will be titled “Revenge of the Sith”. And we all know the Web is full of sci-fi lovers.
For the record there are currently 3,850 results in Google (along with 20 images, 732 newsgroup posts, and 6 threads in Google News). I’m sure there will be a lot more within the next days. Technorati shows 191 blog posts matching “Revenge of the Sith”, the first started 17 hours ago. Daypop finds 5 sources, while Feedster pulls 447 to the surface. Yahoo on the other hand already shows 6,650 pages (that’s right, almost twice as many as Google does). MSN finds 710, while the MSN search technology preview finds 15. The butler in the meantime keeps quiet as to how many pages he found. Bloglines returns 87 news or blog pages. Amazon’s A9 seach reveals 1,620 pages, but itself doesn’t offer anything yet to buy on “Revenge of the Sith”. Popdex finds a bunch of pages but seems to be somewhat broken at the moment. ICQ Search (enhanced by Google) stores 1,640 pages with the meme of the day. IRC search is not an option (unless you want to search through titles, which you can by using /list *sith* in mIRC) – though wouldn’t that be great, a web-based IRC live search? And this is FindForward’s “Wildcard Phrase” search option for Revenge of the *:
Nerds -> 14.5% (58 of 400)
Mummy -> 6.25% (25 of 400)
Creature -> 2.25% (9 of 400)
Middle -> 1.75% (7 of 400)
Red -> 1.75% (7 of 400)
“Kerry has an impressive PageRank 8 while Bush only has PageRank 7 (...)
Kerry also beats Bush in a search for kerry | bush and even in a search for president.”
– Jesse Ruderman, Kerry Beats Bush in Google, July 24, 2004
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