Here’s a preview of Microsoft’s new music store, expected to open in mid-October with around 500,000 songs at 99 cents (clearly competing with Apple’s iTunes).
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s... The Google Superhero Costume Parade.
(This is the official sequel to the popular Google Faces Game, and yet another great invention by Scott Niven.)
Today the Google Code Jam 2004 opened its doors. [Thanks Dirson.]
Google News is now also available in versions for Japan and Korea. [Thanks Pierre in the Forum.]
Maciej Ceglowski writes an Audioblogging Manifesto. He spoke it, too. [Via Gadgetopia.]
The Google Grants (Beta) program delivers 3 month of free Google AdWords advertisement for non-profit organizations. Relgious or political groups need not apply. [Via Google Weblog.]
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