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Monday, November 15, 2004

Feeeds with Wikipedia

On the Feeeds front-page you can now find random articles pulled from

Bildschirmpausen (German)

Es gibt zur Zeit in Deutschland eine Diskussion, ob Raucherpausen gerechtfertigt vom Lohn abgezogen werden sollten.
Für alle von uns, die am Computer arbeiten, ist dabei die Bildschirmarbeitsverordnung (§ 5) interessant: Bildschirmpausen sind ausdrücklich vorgeschrieben – ob nun Raucher oder Nichtraucher.

Eine exakte Vorschrift wie Bildschirmpausen auszusehen haben und wie lang diese sein dürfen (bzw. müssen) gibt es vom Gesetzgeber nicht. Allerdings gilt als Faustregel 5-10 Minuten pro Stunde, solange die Bildschirmarbeit nicht bereits durch andere Tätigkeiten “von ganz allein” unterbrochen wurde (ganz kleine Tätigkeiten, wie etwa der Blick auf ein Blatt Papier, welches einem der Kollege reicht, sind dabei allerdings keine gültigen Unterbrechungen).
Die Bildschirmpause darf weiterhin nicht verschoben und etwa am Ende zu einem früheren Feierabend aufgerechnet werden. Auch darf sie nicht zum lesen von Zeitungen oder Magazinen benutzt werden – die Augen sollen ja geschont werden

Weiterhin sollte man bedenken, dass kreative Pausen Firmensynergien nutzen, weil eben auch Leute miteinander reden, die sonst nicht miteinander reden würden (weil sie eben keine direkte Arbeitsbeziehung haben, oder zumindest meinen, diese nicht zu haben – Synergien entstehen ja gerade durch überraschende Einsichten, die einem der fremde “unwissende” Bereich gibt, und die man nun mit seinem konkreten Fachwissen anreichert).

Der Arbeitgeber tut also gut daran (und ist durch das Gesetz verpflichtet), diese Pausen nicht nur nicht zu verbieten, sondern sie vielmehr zu fördern. Ein ideales Kommunikationsinstrument für kleine Pausen ist in den meisten Betrieben die Kaffeeküche. Oder eben eine Pausenecke mit gemütlichen Möbeln. Und wer es sich leisten kann, mag vielleicht auch einen Billardtisch anschaffen. Letzteres fördert zugleich noch die spielerische Anreicherung von Wissen über Ursache und Wirkung – ein Wissen, so könnte man meinen, das auch vielen Chefökonomen und Politikern gut tun würde.


CanGooRank is a nice (German-language) Windows tool to find out the Google PageRank for a list of sites. After downloading and starting the executable, you need to delete existing URLs, and drag-and-drop new URLs from the browser into the program. You then click on “PageRank”. Accumulated stats can be saved as flat text file, or HTML table.

Leaving IE

In Dear IE, I’m leaving you for good, ZDNet’s Robert Vamosi is breaking up with Internet Explorer. [Thanks Justin F.]

Gmail Image Viewer

Did you ever notice that when someone sends you an email with multiple images attached, you can’t easily open all of them in Gmail? This needed to be fixed, and it looks like at least Internet Explorer users now have a tool available: the Gmail Image Viewer. I didn’t try this one but I’m waiting for a Firefox extension to do the same (or even better, Google to officially implement this functionality).

Anda’s Game

At Authorama, you can now find Anda’s game, Cory Doctorow’s new short story published under the Creative Commons license.

MSN Desktop Search

Tom Warren has some MSN Desktop Search images. [Via InsideMicrosoft.]

From PHP4 to PHP5 (Along With RSS and Amazon Web Services)

Recently I converted Feeeds from PHP4 to PHP5. I did this to use some of the new functionality of PHP5, mainly easy screenscraping via the DOMDocument->loadHTMLFile function (I'm dynamically grabbing Bloglines-backlinks for each post). On my server, this conversion means renaming the files. In order to make "index.php5" into a default file for folders I also had to do the following in the ".htaccess" file:

RewriteEngine on
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteBase /

Converting to PHP5 also means adjusting bits and pieces where necessary, but it was less than expected. One example is the external input from HTTP Post and Get variables. If you use the old approach shown in the following first line, you need to convert it to the new approach as shown in the second and third line (though possibly this is just connected to my specific server settings):

/* 1  */ if ( !isset($myvar) ) { $myvar = ''; }
/* 2a */ $myvar = ( isset($_GET['myvar']) ) ? $_GET['myvar'] : '';
/* 2b */ $myvar = ( isset($_POST['myvar']) ) ? $_POST['myvar'] : '';

I could continue using the great MagpieRSS which parses RSS and Atom files. I could not manage to continue using NuSOAP. Then again PHP5 comes with its own SOAP extensions (SOAP is one way to enable two servers to talk to each other), so all I had to do was find a replacement for my old classes accessing Amazon Web Services.

The Amazon API, as you may know, lets you dynamically search for books (or other media, like DVDs) and return results like title or item number. And adding my Amazon Associates tag to the link, I will receive a percentage of everything sold via my site. To use Amazon Web Services with PHP5, I used a class by Jason Ragsdale (it is followed by a sample at the bottom):

* Webservices API for version 4.0 Version: 0.2
* by Jason Ragsdale (jrags (at) jasrags (dot) net)
*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
*   (at your option) any later version.
*   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*   GNU General Public License for more details.
*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
*   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

class aws {

    public  $Debug            = false;
    protected $baseURL          = '';
    protected $Country          = 'US';                     //Default to US
    protected $Service          = 'AWSECommerceService';         //This is the only Service option at this time
    protected $SubscriptionId   = '[YourIdHere]';           //Enter your SubscriptionId here, You can register for one at
    protected $Operation        = 'ItemSearch';             //Your default operation
    protected $SearchIndex      = '';
    protected $Keywords         = '';
    protected $Title            = '';
    protected $Power            = '';
    protected $Artist           = '';
    protected $Author           = '';
    protected $Actor            = '';
    protected $Director         = '';
    protected $AudienceRating   = '';
    protected $Manufacturer     = '';
    protected $MusicLabel       = '';
    protected $Composer         = '';
    protected $Publisher        = '';
    protected $Brand            = '';
    protected $Conductor        = '';
    protected $Orchestra        = '';
    protected $TextStream       = '';
    protected $ItemPage         = '';
    protected $Sort             = '';
    protected $City             = '';
    protected $Cuisine          = '';
    protected $Neighborhood     = '';
    protected $MinimumPrice     = '';
    protected $MaximumPrice     = '';
    protected $MerchantId       = '';
    protected $Condition        = '';
    protected $DeliveryMethod   = '';
    protected $AssociateTag     = '';
    protected $Style            = '';
    protected $ContentType      = '';
    protected $InputContentEncoding = '';
    protected $Validate         = '';
    protected $Version          = '';
    protected $XMLEscaping      = '';
    protected $ResponseGroup    = '';
    protected $Result           = '';
    function aws() {
    * Wed Sep 01 11:10:48 CDT 2004 11:10:48 - Ragsdale, Jason
    * setBaseURL must be called when starting a new query.
    function setBaseURL()
        * Tue Aug 31 16:04:50 CDT 2004 16:04:50 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Valid Country Codes for the base URL are:
        * US: United States
        * UK: United Kingdom
        * DE: Germany
        * JP: Japan
        if ($this->Country == 'US')
          $this->baseURL = ''.$this->Service;
        if ($this->Country == 'UK')
          $this->baseURL = ''.$this->Service;
        if ($this->Country == 'DE')
          $this->baseURL = ''.$this->Service;
        if ($this->Country == 'JP')
          $this->baseURL = ''.$this->Service;
    function setCountry($Country)
        * Wed Sep 01 11:11:58 CDT 2004 11:11:58 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use this to set the country you are pulling results for.
        * Country Options:
        * US (Default)
        * UK
        * DE
        * JP
        $this->Country = $Country;
    function getCountry()
        return $this->Country;
    function assembleURL()
        * Tue Aug 31 16:06:47 CDT 2004 16:06:47 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * This function will be called form the fetch method to make sure our URL is valid.
        if ($this->SubscriptionId)
           $this->baseURL .= '&SubscriptionId='.$this->SubscriptionId;
        if ($this->Operation)
           $this->baseURL .= '&Operation='.$this->Operation;
        if ($this->SearchIndex)
           $this->baseURL .= '&SearchIndex='.$this->SearchIndex;
        if ($this->Keywords)
           $this->baseURL .= '&Keywords='.$this->Keywords;
        if ($this->Title)
           $this->baseURL .= '&Title='.$this->Title;
        if ($this->Power)
           $this->baseURL .= '&Power='.$this->Power;
        if ($this->Artist)
           $this->baseURL .= '&Artist='.$this->Artist;
        if ($this->Author)
           $this->baseURL .= '&Author='.$this->Author;
        if ($this->Actor)
           $this->baseURL .= '&Actor='.$this->Actor;
        if ($this->Director)
           $this->baseURL .= '&Director='.$this->Director;
        if ($this->AudienceRating)
           $this->baseURL .= '&AudienceRating='.$this->AudienceRating;
        if ($this->Manufacturer)
           $this->baseURL .= '&Manufacturer='.$this->Manufacturer;
        if ($this->MusicLabel)
           $this->baseURL .= '&MusicLabel='.$this->MusicLabel;
        if ($this->Composer)
           $this->baseURL .= '&Composer='.$this->Composer;
        if ($this->Publisher)
           $this->baseURL .= '&Publisher='.$this->Publisher;
        if ($this->Brand)
           $this->baseURL .= '&Brand='.$this->Brand;
        if ($this->Conductor)
           $this->baseURL .= '&Conductor='.$this->Conductor;
        if ($this->Orchestra)
           $this->baseURL .= '&Orchestra='.$this->Orchestra;
        if ($this->TextStream)
           $this->baseURL .= '&TextStream='.$this->TextStream;
        if ($this->ItemPage)
           $this->baseURL .= '&ItemPage='.$this->ItemPage;
        if ($this->Sort)
           $this->baseURL .= '&Sort='.$this->Sort;
        if ($this->City)
           $this->baseURL .= '&City='.$this->City;
        if ($this->Cuisine)
           $this->baseURL .= '&Cuisine='.$this->Cuisine;
        if ($this->Neighborhood)
           $this->baseURL .= '&Neighborhood='.$this->Neighborhood;
        if ($this->MinimumPrice)
           $this->baseURL .= '&MinimumPrice='.$this->MinimumPrice;
        if ($this->MaximumPrice)
           $this->baseURL .= '&MaximumPrice='.$this->MaximumPrice;
        if ($this->MerchantId)
           $this->baseURL .= '&MerchantId='.$this->MerchantId;
        if ($this->Condition)
           $this->baseURL .= '&Condition='.$this->Condition;
        if ($this->DeliveryMethod)
           $this->baseURL .= '&DeliveryMethod='.$this->DeliveryMethod;
        if ($this->AssociateTag)
           $this->baseURL .= '&AssociateTag='.$this->AssociateTag;
        if ($this->Style)
           $this->baseURL .= '&Style='.$this->Style;
        if ($this->ContentType)
           $this->baseURL .= '&ContentType='.$this->ContentType;
        if ($this->InputContentEncoding)
           $this->baseURL .= '&InputContentEncoding='.$this->InputContentEncoding;
        if ($this->Validate)
           $this->baseURL .= '&Validate='.$this->Validate;
        if ($this->Version)
           $this->baseURL .= '&Version='.$this->Version;
        if ($this->XMLEscaping)
           $this->baseURL .= '&XMLEscaping='.$this->XMLEscaping;
        if ($this->ResponseGroup)
           $this->baseURL .= '&ResponseGroup='.$this->ResponseGroup;
    function fetch()
        * Tue Aug 31 16:09:19 CDT 2004 16:09:19 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * This is the function to send the request to amazon Via CURL
        * and store the XML result.
        //Assemble the URL before fetching it.
        //Create our local FilePointer and fetch the XML into it.
        $this->fp = fopen(md5($this->baseURL), 'w');
        $this->ch = curl_init();

        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->baseURL);
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $this->fp);
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);

        $this->result = curl_exec($this->ch);
        //Load the XML from the temp file.
        $this->xml = simplexml_load_file(md5($this->baseURL));
        //Remove the temp file after load of the xml data
        //Check the XML for errors, if so, throw.
        try {
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo $e->getMessage();
    function getBaseURL()
        return $this->baseURL;
    function setService($Service)
        * Wed Sep 01 11:09:02 CDT 2004 11:09:02 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * The service parameter is required for all AWS Requests. It should always be set to AWSECommerceService.
        * Service Options:
        * AWSECommerceService
        $this->Service = $Service;
    function getService()
        return $this->Service;
    function setSubscriptionId($SubscriptionId)
        * Wed Sep 01 11:08:06 CDT 2004 11:08:06 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * The SubscriptionId parameter must be included in every AWS request. The value of
        * this parameter must be the subscription ID you are assigned when you sign up to use
        * AWS. Your subscription ID is connected to your AWS developer account and represents
        * a free subscription to AWS.
        * SubscriptionId Options:
        * Your Amazon-assigned subscription ID
        $this->SubscriptionId = $SubscriptionId;
    function getSubscriptionId()
        return $this->SubscriptionId;
    function setOperation($Operation)
        * Wed Sep 01 11:07:01 CDT 2004 11:07:01 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the Operation parameter to specify the name of the operation you would like
        * to call. To access the ItemSearch operation, set the Operation parameter to ItemSearch.
        * Operation Options:
        * ItemSearch
        * ItemLookup
        * SimilarityLookup
        $this->Operation = $Operation;
    function getOperation()
        return $this->Operation;
    function setSearchIndex($SearchIndex)
        * Tue Aug 31 16:10:13 CDT 2004 16:10:13 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the SearchIndex parameter to specify the Amazon store you want products from.
        * The list of available SearchIndex values, listed by locale, can be found on the
        * search index values page.
        * If SearchIndex is set to "MusicTracks," the number of items returned is the total
        * number of tracks rather than the number of ASINs in which the tracks were found.
        * However, ItemSearch requests in the MusicTracks index return information based on
        * ASIN, and AWS never repeats an ASIN in a response. Because of these two facts, the
        * TotalResults value does not reflect the actual number of Item elements in the response
        * when two or more tracks are from the same ASIN.
        * Similarly, if two or more tracks are from the same ASIN, it is possible that the TotalPages
        * value is greater than the actual number of pages.

        * Search index options:
        * Blended              (US UK DE JP)
        * Books                (US UK DE JP)
        * ForeignBooks         (      DE JP)
        * Music                (US UK DE JP)
        * Classical            (US UK DE JP)
        * DigitalMusic         (US         )
        * MusicTracks          (US UK DE JP)
        * DVD                  (US UK DE JP)
        * Video                (US UK DE JP)
        * VHS                  (US UK DE JP)
        * Toys                 (US UK      )
        * Apparel              (US         )
        * Baby                 (US         )
        * PCHardware           (US    DE   )
        * VideoGames           (US UK DE JP)
        * Software             (US UK DE JP)
        * SoftwareVideoGames   (   UK DE   )
        * Electronics          (US UK DE JP)
        * Photo                (US    DE   )
        * Tools                (US    DE   )
        * OfficeProducts       (US         )
        * Magazines            (US    DE   )
        * SportingGoods        (US         )
        * OutdoorLiving        (US UK DE   )
        * Kitchen              (US UK DE JP)
        * HomeGarden           (   UK DE   )
        * GourmetFood          (US         )
        * HealthPersonalCare   (US UK DE   )
        * Wireless             (US         )
        * Wireless Accessories (US         )
        * Miscellaneous        (US         )
        * Restaurants          (US         )
        * Jewelry              (US         )
        $this->SearchIndex = $SearchIndex;
    function getSearchIndex()
        return $this->SearchIndex;
    function setKeywords($Keywords)
        * Wed Sep 01 11:04:29 CDT 2004 11:04:29 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the Keywords parameter to refine your item search based on specific
        * words or phrases. AWS Product data will match the word or phrase you
        * include in your request against various product fields, including product
        * title, author, artist, description, manufacturer, etc.
        * Keywords Options:
        * A Keywords String
        $this->Keywords = urlencode($Keywords);
    function getKeywords()
        return $this->Keywords;
    function setResponseGroup($ResponseGroup)
        * Tue Aug 31 16:18:34 CDT 2004 16:18:34 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use this parameter to specify which response group(s), or group(s) of
        * data elements, you would like AWS to return to you.
        * For REST requests, the ResponseGroup parameter can be a single value
        * or a comma-delimited list.
        * Response Group Options:
        * BrowseNodes
        * Cart
        * CartSimilarities
        * CustomerFull
        * CustomerInfo
        * CustomerLists
        * CustomerReviews
        * EditorialReview
        * Help
        * Images
        * ItemAttributes
        * ItemIds
        * Large
        * ListFull
        * ListInfo
        * ListItems
        * ListmaniaLists
        * ListMinimum
        * Medium
        * OfferFull
        * Offers
        * OfferSummary
        * Request
        * Reviews
        * SalesRank
        * Seller
        * SellerListing
        * Similarities
        * Small
        * Tracks
        * TransactionDetails
        * VariationMinimum
        * Variations
        * VariationSummary
        $this->ResponseGroup = $ResponseGroup;
    function getResponseGroup()
        return $this->ResponseGroup;
    function setTitle($Title)
        * Wed Sep 01 11:03:52 CDT 2004 11:03:52 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the Title parameter when you want to query against product titles only.
        * You may use all or part of a title in your query.
        * When SearchIndex equals MusicTracks, the Title parameter allows you to search
        * by song title.
        * Title Options:
        * A Title String
        $this->Title = $Title;
    function getTitle()
        return $this->Title;
    function setPower($Power)
        * Wed Sep 01 11:02:38 CDT 2004 11:02:38 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the Power parameter to perform book searches on using a
        * complex query string.
        * For example the query "author:ambrose" returns a list of books that include
        * "Ambrose" in the author name. A query of "subject:history and (spain or mexico)
        * and not military and language:spanish" would return a list of books in the
        * Spanish language on the subject of either Spanish or Mexican history, excluding
        * all items with military in their subject.
        * Query keys that may be used to build Power queries include: asin, author,
        * author-exact, author-begins, keywords, keywords-begin, language, publisher,
        * subject, subject-words-begin, subject-begins, title, title-words-begin, and
        * title-begins.
        * The Power parameter can only be used when SearchIndex equals Books.
        * Please see this page on Amazon for more information about Power search:
        * http://www.
        * Power Options:
        * A Power Query String
        $this->Power = $Power;
    function getPower()
        return $this->Power;
    function setArtist($Artist)
        * Wed Sep 01 11:01:42 CDT 2004 11:01:42 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the Artist parameter to refine your search by Artist name.
        * You may use all or part of an Artist's name in your query.
        * Artist Option:
        * An Artist Name String
        $this->Artist = $Artist;
    function getArtist()
        return $this->Artist;
    function setAuthor($Author)
        * Wed Sep 01 11:01:39 CDT 2004 11:01:39 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the Author parameter to refine your search by Author name.
        * You may use all or part of an Author's name in your query.
        * Author Option:
        * An Author Name String
        $this->Author = $Author;
    function getAuthor()
        return $this->Author;
    function setActor($Actor)
        * Wed Sep 01 11:01:37 CDT 2004 11:01:37 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the Actor parameter to refine your search by Actor name.
        * You may use all or part of an Actor's name in your query.
        * Actor Option:
        * An Actor Name String
        $this->Actor = $Actor;
    function getActor()
        return $this->Actor;
    function setDirector($Director)
        * Wed Sep 01 11:01:34 CDT 2004 11:01:34 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the Director parameter to refine your search by Director name.
        * You may use all or part of an Director's name in your query.
        * Director Option:
        * An Director Name String
        $this->Director = $Director;
    function getDirector()
        return $this->Director;
    function setAudienceRating($AudienceRating)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:59:57 CDT 2004 10:59:57 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the AudienceRating parameter to filter movie product search results
        * by the expected audience maturity level. values are based
        * upon MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) ratings.
        * values are based upon age. You may specify one or more values in a
        * comma-separated list in a REST request or using multiple elements in
        * a SOAP request.
        * AudienceRating Options:
        * Values:
        * G
        * PG
        * PG-13
        * R
        * NC-17
        * NR
        * Unrated
        * Values:
        * 6
        * 12
        * 16
        $this->AudienceRating = $AudienceRating;
    function getAudienceRating()
        return $this->AudienceRating;
    function setManufacturer($Manufacturer)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:59:37 CDT 2004 10:59:37 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the Manufacturer parameter to refine your search by Manufacturer name.
        * You may use all or part of an Manufacturer's name in your query.
        * Manufacturer Option:
        * An Manufacturer Name String
        $this->Manufacturer = $Manufacturer;
    function getManufacturer()
        return $this->Manufacturer;
    function setMusicLabel($MusicLabel)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:58:42 CDT 2004 10:58:42 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the MusicLabel parameter to refine your search by MusicLabel name.
        * You may use all or part of an MusicLabel's name in your query.
        * MusicLabel Option:
        * An MusicLabel Name String
        $this->MusicLabel = $MusicLabel;
    function getMusicLabel()
        return $this->MusicLabel;
    function setComposer($Composer)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:58:37 CDT 2004 10:58:37 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the Composer parameter to refine your search by Composer name.
        * You may use all or part of an Composer's name in your query.
        * Composer Option:
        * An Composer Name String
        $this->Composer = $Composer;
    function getComposer()
        return $this->Composer;
    function setPublisher($Publisher)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:58:25 CDT 2004 10:58:25 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the Publisher parameter to refine your search by Publisher name.
        * You may use all or part of an Publisher's name in your query.
        * Publisher Option:
        * An Publisher Name String
        $this->Publisher = $Publisher;
    function getPublisher()
        return $this->Publisher;
    function setBrand($Brand)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:58:18 CDT 2004 10:58:18 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the Brand parameter to refine your search by Brand name.
        * You may use all or part of an Brand's name in your query.
        * Brand Option:
        * An Brand Name String
        $this->Brand = $Brand;
    function getBrand()
        return $this->Brand;
    function setConductor($Conductor)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:57:35 CDT 2004 10:57:35 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the Conductor parameter to refine your search by Conductor name.
        * You may use all or part of an Conductor's name in your query.
        * Conductor Option:
        * An Conductor Name String
        $this->Conductor = $Conductor;
    function getConductor()
        return $this->Conductor;
    function setOrchestra($Orchestra)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:56:59 CDT 2004 10:56:59 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the Orchestra parameter to refine your search by orchestra name.
        * You may use all or part of an orchestra's name in your query.
        * Orchestra Option:
        * An Orchestra Name String
        $this->Orchestra = $Orchestra;
    function getOrchestra()
        return $this->Orchestra;
    function setTextStream($TextStream)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:55:36 CDT 2004 10:55:36 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the TextStream parameter to retrieve product search results based on a
        * block of text you specify in your request. The text block could be a search
        * term, a paragraph from a blog, an article excerpt, or any other text for which
        * you wish to retrieve product matches.
        * When Amazon receives your request, Amazon parses out recognized keywords and
        * returns an equal number of products (ten total) for each recognized keyword.
        * For example, if you send a request with five recognized keywords, Amazon will
        * return two products matching each recognized keyword.
        * Please note that the recognized keywords list Amazon uses for an ItemSearch using
        * TextStream does not exclude conjunctions and helper words, such as "and", "or",
        * "the", etc. Therefore, it would be a good idea to strip out these terms from the
        * text you specify in your request so that Amazon does not return products matching
        * them.
        * The TextStream parameter is only available for an ItemSearch using's catalog.
        * TextStream Options:
        * Any Block of Text
        $this->TextStream = $TextStream;
    function getTextStream()
        return $this->TextStream;
    function setItemPage($ItemPage)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:54:39 CDT 2004 10:54:39 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * The ItemPage parameter allows you to create a paginated list of search results.
        * This parameter returns the specified page. When you use ItemPage, ItemSearch
        * will return 10 search results at a time. The maximum ItemPage number that can
        * be returned is 500. If you do not include ItemPage in your request, the first
        * page (containing the first 10 items, or all of the items if there are less than
        * 10) will be returned by default.
        * ItemPage Options:
        * 1 (Default)
        * Intergers 1 to 500
        $this->ItemPage = $ItemPage;
    function getItemPage()
        return $this->ItemPage;
    function setSort($Sort)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:53:03 CDT 2004 10:53:03 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the Sort parameter to specify how your item search results will be ordered.
        * Please note that valid sort values vary by search index and locale. The full
        * list of sort options are available in Sort Values.
        * Sort Options:
        * See
        $this->Sort = $Sort;
    function getSort()
        return $this->Sort;
    function setCity($City)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:52:10 CDT 2004 10:52:10 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the City parameter to refine your restaurant search by city name. You
        * may use all or part of a city's name in your query. At the present time,
        * AWS Product Data return restaurants for only select cities (see Valid Values).
        * This parameter may be used only when SearchIndex equals Restaurant and is only
        * applicable to US requests.
        * City Options:
        * Boston
        * Chicago
        * New York
        * San Francisco
        * Seattle
        * Washington, D.C.
        $this->City = $City;
    function getCity()
        return $this->City;
    function setCuisine($Cuisine)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:51:23 CDT 2004 10:51:23 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the Cuisine parameter to refine your restaurant search by cuisine name
        * (i.e., Chinese, Italian, American, etc.). You may use all or part of a cuisine's
        * name in your query. This parameter may be used only when SearchIndex equals
        * Restaurant and is only applicable to US requests.
        * Cuisine Options:
        * A Cuisine Name String
        $this->Cuisine = $Cuisine;
    function getCuisine()
        return $this->Cuisine;
    function setNeighborhood($Neighborhood)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:50:40 CDT 2004 10:50:40 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the Neighborhood parameter to refine your restaurant search by neighborhood
        * name (i.e., Capitol Hill, Arlington, North Beach, etc.). You may use all or part
        * of a neighborhood's name in your query. This parameter may be used only when
        * SearchIndex equals Restaurant and is only applicable to US requests.
        * Neighborhood Options:
        * A Neighborhood Name String
        $this->Neighborhood = $Neighborhood;
    function getNeighborhood()
        return $this->Neighborhood;
    function setMinimumPrice($MinimumPrice)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:50:03 CDT 2004 10:50:03 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the MinimumPrice parameter to set a lower price bound on products returned
        * by ItemSearch. The MinimumPrice value must be specified in pennies (or equivalent
        * in local currency).
        * MimimumPrice Options:
        * An Interger
        $this->MinimumPrice = $MinimumPrice;
    function getMinimumPrice()
        return $this->MinimumPrice;
    function setMaximumPrice($MaximumPrice)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:49:23 CDT 2004 10:49:23 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the MaximumPrice parameter to set an upper price bound on products returned
        * by ItemSearch. The MaximumPrice value must be specified in pennies (or equivalent
        * in local currency).
        * MaximumPrice Options:
        * An Interger
        $this->MaximumPrice = $MaximumPrice;
    function getMaximumPrice()
        return $this->MaximumPrice;
    function setMerchantId($MerchantId)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:48:04 CDT 2004 10:48:04 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the MerchantId parameter to filter the list of search results returned by
        * ItemSearch by the merchant offering the product.
        * By setting MerchantId to "All" you may retrieve offers from Amazon partner
        * merchants (such as Target, Toys"R"Us, Office Depot, and others) as well as
        * independent marketplace sellers. You may also use the value "Featured," in
        * which case AWS returns the same merchant that is displayed when you click
        * the "Add to Shopping Cart" button on the product detail page. You may use a
        * batch request to retrieve similarities filtered by MerchantId for up to two
        * merchants.
        * MerchantId must be used to return variation data when the response groups
        * VariationMinimum or VariationSummary are used, either together or separately.
        * The MerchantId parameter is available for requests only.
        * MerchantId Options:
        * All
        * Featured
        * A Merchant ID
        $this->MerchantId = $MerchantId;
    function getMerchantId()
        return $this->MerchantId;
    function setCondition($Condition)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:47:13 CDT 2004 10:47:13 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the Condition parameter to filter the offers returned in the product list by
        * condition type. By default, a request with the Condition parameter will return a
        * maximum of 10 offers, with a maximum of 5 offer listings per offer.
        * Condition Options:
        * New (Default)
        * All
        * Used
        * Refurbished
        * Collectible
        $this->Condition = $Condition;
    function getCondition()
        return $this->Condition;
    function setDeliveryMethod($DeliveryMethod)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:46:08 CDT 2004 10:46:08 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the DeliveryMethod parameter to filter offers returned in the product list
        * by delivery method. Valid values are Ship and ISPU (In-store pickup). If you use
        * ISPU, the offers returned will be ISPU offers from any postal code. To get ISPU
        * offers from a specific postal code, you must use the ItemLookup operation.
        * Available for only.
        * DeliveryMethod Options:
        * Ship (Default)
        * ISPU
        $this->DeliveryMethod = $DeliveryMethod;
    function getDeliveryMethod()
        return $this->DeliveryMethod;
    function setAssociateTag($AssociateTag)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:44:55 CDT 2004 10:44:55 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the AssociateTag parameter to specify your,,,
        * or Associate ID. The AssociateTag allows product URLs returned by AWS
        * to be tagged as originating from your Associates Web site. Be sure to specify the
        * tag value correctly, as no error is generated for incorrect tag values.
        * If you use those product URLs to link to Amazon, the Associate account connected to
        * the Associate tag you specify will be credited for traffic and items sold through
        * your links. Since you do not need to be an Associate to use AWS, AssociateTag is not
        * a required parameter. If you do not include AssociateTag in your requests, a default
        * Associate tag will be embedded in the product URLs in AWS responses.
        * AssociateTag Options:
        * An Amazon-assigned Associates tag
        $this->AssociateTag = $AssociateTag;
    function getAssociateTag()
        return $this->AssociateTag;
    function setStyle($Style)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:43:47 CDT 2004 10:43:47 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * The Style parameter applies to REST requests only. Use the Style parameter to control
        * the format of the data returned by AWS in REST responses.
        * Set this parameter to "XML" to generate a pure XML response.
        * Set this parameter to the URL of an XSLT stylesheet to have AWS transform the XML response
        *  to another format you specify.
        * If you omit this parameter, AWS will return the pure XML response by default.
        * Style Options:
        * XML (Default)
        * A URL to a stylesheet
        $this->Style = $Style;
    function getStyle()
        return $this->Style;
    function setContentType($ContentType)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:42:24 CDT 2004 10:42:24 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * The ContentType parameter is valid for REST requests only. The ContentType set in
        * your request is returned as the content type in the HTTP headers of the response
        * that AWS returns. Generally ContentType should only be changed when it is being used
        * in conjunction with an XSLT stylesheet specified with the Style parameter.
        * ContentType Options:
        * text/xml
        $this->ContentType = $ContentType;
    function getContentType()
        return $this->ContentType;
    function setInputContentEncoding($InputContentEncoding)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:41:40 CDT 2004 10:41:40 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the InputContentEncoding parameter to notify AWS about how your request is encoded.
        * InputContentEncoding works for REST requests only.
        * InputContentEncoding Options:
        * Shift_JIS
        * UTF-8 (Default)
        * Latin-1
        * etc....
        $this->InputContentEncoding = $InputContentEncoding;
    function getInputContentEncoding()
        return $this->InputContentEncoding;
    function setValidate($Validate)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:40:06 CDT 2004 10:40:06 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the Validate parameter to have AWS test your request without actually executing it.
        * If this parameter is not specified, the default value is False (i.e., requests are
        * executed normally). When present, Validate must equal True. If the request is valid,
        * the response will contain an element called IsValid with a value of True. If the request
        * is invalid, the response will contain 1) an element called IsValid with a value of False
        * and 2) the errors that would be returned if the request were actually executed.
        * Notes:
        * Since the request is not actually executed, only a subset of the errors for the request
        * may be returned. This is because some errors (i.e., no_exact_matches) are only generated
        * during execution of a request.
        * The IsValid element will always be present in any response, regardless of whether the
        * Validate parameter was in the request.
        * Validate Options:
        * True
        $this->Validate = $Validate;
    function getValidate()
        return $this->Validate;
    function setVersion($Version)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:36:57 CDT 2004 10:36:57 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * For REST requests, use the Version parameter to retrieve a particular version of the AWS
        * WSDL. The value of the Version parameter is the date that is part of the WSDL's namespace.
        * For example, if the namespace is, then you
        * should set the Version parameter to 2004-03-19. Each time changes are made to AWS (for
        * example, changed operation parameters, response groups, or behavior), a new WSDL is created
        *  with a new date.
        * For SOAP requests, this parameter is ignored because the version is retrieved from the WSDL namespace.
        * If the Version parameter is omitted in a REST request, AWS uses a default namespace. The
        * default namespace may change as new versions of AWS are released. If you use XSLT to transform
        * AWS output, you should use the Version parameter to ensure that your stylesheets continue to
        * work correctly when the default namespace is changed.
        * Version Options:
        * A WSDL Namespace date
        $this->Version = $Version;
    function getVersion()
        return $this->Version;
    function setXMLEscaping($XMLEscaping)
        * Wed Sep 01 10:36:27 CDT 2004 10:36:27 - Ragsdale, Jason
        * Use the XMLEscaping parameter to specify whether responses are XML-encoded in a single
        * pass or a double pass. By default, XMLEscaping is Single, and AWS responses are encoded
        * only once in XML. For example, if the response data includes an ampersand character (&),
        * the character is returned in its regular XML encoding (&amp;). If XMLEscaping is Double,
        * the same ampersand character is XML-encoded twice (&amp;amp;).
        * The Double value for XMLEscaping is useful in some clients, such as PHP, that do not decode
        * text within XML elements.
        * XMLEscaping Options:
        * Single (Default)
        * Double
        $this->XMLEscaping = $XMLEscaping;
    function getXMLEscaping()
        return $this->XMLEscaping;
    * Wed Sep 01 09:51:11 CDT 2004 09:51:11 - Ragsdale, Jason
    * The code below this comment is to be called after a XML page has been loaded.
    function setResult($Result)
        $this->Result = $Result;
    function getResult()
        return $this->Result;
    * Wed Sep 01 09:51:34 CDT 2004 09:51:34 - Ragsdale, Jason
    * checkXmlError will look at the xml result and see if Amazon returned a error. If
    * so then we will throw an exception
    function checkXmlError()
        if ($this->xml->Items->Request->IsValid == 'False') {
            $error    = 'Error Code:'.$this->xml->Items->Request->Errors->Error->Code.'<p>';
            $error   .= 'Message:'.$this->xml->Items->Request->Errors->Error->Message.'<p>';
            throw new Exception($error);
    * Wed Sep 01 09:52:10 CDT 2004 09:52:10 - Ragsdale, Jason
    * return the total number of results/pages
    function getTotalResults()
        return $this->xml->Items->TotalResults;
    function getTotalPages()
        return $this->xml->Items->TotalPages;

* example.php PHP code to lookup a list of movies from Version: 0.1
* by Jason Ragsdale (jrags (at) jasrags (dot) net)
*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
*   (at your option) any later version.
*   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*   GNU General Public License for more details.
*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
*   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

* Thu Aug 26 15:45:47 CDT 2004 15:45:47 - jragsd00
* required files

* Thu Sep 02 10:59:41 CDT 2004 10:59:41 - Ragsdale, Jason
* This code expects you send the following POST var's
* SearchIndex = any of the search index options I.E. VHS, DVD
* title = keyword you wish to search for.
* The ResponseGroup is defaulted to Large in this example.

//Start our class
$aws = new aws();

//Set our base URL based on our Country, Default = US

//Set our SearchIndex

//Set our keywords

//Set our ResponseGroup

//Fetch the page

echo '<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Search Results</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>';

echo 'Total Results: '.$aws->getTotalResults();
echo '<p>';
echo 'Total Pages: '.$aws->getTotalPages();
echo '<p>';
foreach ($aws->xml->Items->Item as $Item) {
    echo 'Name: '.$Item->ItemAttributes->Title.'<p>';
    echo 'ASIN: '.$Item->ASIN.'<p>';
    echo 'Theatrical Release Date: '.$Item->ItemAttributes->TheatricalReleaseDate.'<p>';
    echo 'Media Release Date: '.$Item->ItemAttributes->ReleaseDate.'<p>';
    echo 'Format: '.$Item->ItemAttributes->ProductGroup.'<p>';


At Feeeds, I try to find a relevant book item by querying Amazon for the longest title of each post. So if the title would be "Battle of Fallujah," then I would take "Fallujah" as relevant keyword. This works most of the time (naturally it doesn't work always). If several words are of the same length, I use the first word of this length. Finally, my function to get an Amazon link looks like this:

function getAmazonLink($keywords)
    $s = '';

    $keywords = str_replace('-', ' ', $keywords);
    $keywords = str_replace('  ', ' ', $keywords);
    $keywords = explode(' ', $keywords);

    $kLongest = '';
    foreach ($keywords as $k)
        if ( strlen($k) > strlen($kLongest) )
            $kLongest = $k;

    $aws = new aws();
    foreach ($aws->xml->Items->Item as $Item)
        $s .= '<p class="amazon"><strong>At</strong><br />' .
                '<a href="' .
                'obidos/redirect?tag=googleblogosc-20&amp;' .
                'path=tg%2Fdetail%2F-%2F' . $Item->ASIN . '">' .
                $Item->ItemAttributes->Title . '</a></p>';

    return $s;


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