Yahoo brings us their own video search. This looks awfully close to the results AltaVista was showing in their video search for a long time already. As AltaVista is now part of Yahoo, it looks as though for now Yahoo just put their own name tag on an existing engine. [Via Battelle.]
“A federal judge on Wednesday dismissed a key element of insurer GEICO’s trademark infringement case against online search engine Google Inc.
U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema ruled that there was not enough evidence of trademark violation to bar Google from displaying rival insurers when computer users search the word ’GEICO.’”
AP, U.S. Rejects Key Part of GEICO Case Against Google, Dec 15, 2004
Google promotes its bundled download page in a very original way – you are supposed to pass on the URL as christmas gift (note PDFs will open from that page).
Yet another desktop search program, this one from Ask Jeeves. I like the site’s warning: “Please close all other applications prior to downloading.” (Because ...?)
If you search Google for seven wonders of India, you can see the following note at the bottom of the result page:
“In response to a complaint we received under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, we have removed 1 result(s) from this page. If you wish, you may read the DMCA complaint for these removed results.”
I think it’s good Google shows the searcher what has been omitted, and for what reasons. They should do the same for results they censor to obey to specific country laws (like when you search German Google for Stormfront).
Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of HTTP, HTML, and WWW, is against the proposed new top-level domains “.mobi” (for small-screen mobile content) and “.xxx” (for adult content). The “.mobi” domain specifically goes against the device-independent design and spirit of the original World Wide Web, as it would try create a restricted web space aiming at mobile devices (even though the combination of [X]HTML Strict + CSS is already suited to serve hand phones and similar tools). Tim Berners-Lee’s argument makes for an interesting read into the current problem, as well as the history of domain names in general. [Via Sirsha.]
“The Web is designed as a universal space. (...) The success of the Web stems from its universality as do most of the architectural constraints.
The Web must operate independently of the hardware, software or network used to access it, of the perceived quality or appropriateness of the information on it, and of the culture, and language, and physical capabilities of those who access it. (...) Hardware and network independence in particular have been crucial to the growth of the Web. (...)
By separating the information content from its presentation (as is possible by mixing HTML with CSS, XML with XSL and CSS, etc.) the Web allows the same information to be viewed from computers with all sorts of screen sizes, color depths, and so on. (...)
While with the current technology, the phrase “Mobile” may equate roughly in many minds to “something like a cell phone”, it is naive – and pessimistic – to imagine that this one style of device will be the combination that will endure for any length of time. (...)
But the point is not that a division into “.mobi” and the (“immobile?”) rest of the world is futile, it is that it is harmful.
The Web works by reference. (...) The URI is passed around, written, spoken, buried in links, bookmarked, traded while Instant Messaging and through email. People look up URIs in all sorts of conditions.
It is fundamentally useful to be able to quote the URI for some information and then look up that URI in an entirely different context.”
- Tim Berners-Lee
Nathan Weinberg notes Google Suggest can help create funny sentences. Here are some – and as Google always suggests what’s most popular (with some adult filters applied), it reveals people often use Google as their personal friend and counselor:
Type This ... | and Google suggests this |
When will I ever ... | use math |
Where in the world is m ... | marijuana legal |
Is there someone ... | out there for me |
What time does ... | it get dark |
Will I l ... | lose my hair |
Who said ... | I have a dream |
I want ... | I want a hippopotamus for christmas |
Who d ... | do I vote for |
Is Bush ... | wired |
I lost m ... | my frog |
When will I ... | get married |
Who danced ... | the dance of seven veils |
Why is ... | the sky blue |
Why is ... | it important to vote |
Why is ... | Mars red |
I am ... | bored |
Will my ... | vote count |
My next ... | job |
I saw ... | mommy kissing |
I can’t ... | wait for the weekend |
I really want ... | one of those |
My sister is ... | mean |
How do you ... | kiss |
How do you ... | make out |
Is my ... | boyfriend gay |
Is my ... | cat pregnant |
Am I ... | fat |
How does one ... | become a saint |
How do people ... | live in the desert |
What ... | not to wear |
How do I spell ... | my name in Chinese |
Naughty pictures of ... | the Simpsons |
Naughty pics of ... | me |
When am I ... | going to die |
Pics of my ... | wife |
Why is Google ... | so fast |
My girlfriend ... | hates me |
When do I say ... | I love you |
“I have the domain Way back when I discovered a new invisible universe that you could use the internet as a rocket ship to get too, I named the land Googleonia, paying homage to Google, the great internet company. Our library is called the Google Library, once again paying respect to the great Google company that has helped elighten us about the possibilities of the internet.”
– Justin Pfister, Google Library is the library in Googleonia as well as on Earth, December 14, 2004
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