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Thursday, February 17, 2005

Daily Show Covers Blogging

Recently, Jon Stewart talked about bloggers [MOV]. [Via Waxy.]

MSN Found

You can now search MSN for “hypnodragon”, “judo jealousy”, “blubber blowout”, “psycho kitty”, “lava boy”, “butterfingers” and more to reveal special “easter egg” search results on top. These are videos selected by what seem to be fictional link bloggers (you can locate them by searching for “Karen moonchild”, “Cy”, “Swing”, “Reggie”, “Tad Huntington Pier”, “Karen lake effect snow”, and “Denise Steven.”) All this is part of MSN Found, Microsoft’s new viral web search game. [Via Waxy.]

Gmail Now Semi-Public

Those who signed up for notifications on Gmail updates since April 1st 2004 now received an invite from Google. And pretty much all who already own a Gmail account have 50 invites to give out. There is some new speculation on the date Gmail will go officially public. I’d say the only ones who don’t have Gmail now are the ones who are either not interested, very unlucky and unconnected – here’s help – or those who wanted to wait for the day it goes officially public. (Some may also wait for the day Gmail gets out of Beta, but don’t bet on that to happen anytime soon with Google’s approach.)


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