Google Blogoscoped

Monday, March 21, 2005


Here’s a video of Yahoo image search results for the years 1000-2000, based on an idea by Alexandre Ksikes: Milleniumline [WMV]. The Yahoo API was used to collect all 2000 thumbnails.

Excuse Generator

The Excuse-O-Mat aims to help you out of tough situations by generating random excuses. [Via GeneratorBlog.]

Deadly Toys

Back in the old days, men were real men, women were real women, and small, furry toys were, well, deadly. [Via Presurfer, who also brings you the Subservient Sanjeev.]

Slashdot XHTML

Waxy points to the news that Slashdot will be converted to XHTML/CSS. Nice. (They are currently running on HTML3.2.) Expect some user stylesheets to pop up once they’re live.

Not Google

This Google parody is not safe for work. The Stan Laurel Google logo on the other hand is a little more subtle. And if you look really close, you can see “Google” in these crop circles.

Daft Punk Video

You can listen to the Robot Rock [MOV] from Daft Punk’s new album Human After All (which I like on first hearing, though except for Robot Rock so far I can’t find anything on it as great as their last album – maybe it just needs a little longer to get into this one).

Create a Random Story Using Wikipedia

The idea is simple: create a random nonsense story using Wikipedia’s Random Page feature. Your job is to take every link that comes along and write a story around it; you can’t leave out any link and they must retain the chronological order that was randomply imposed on you. The story will be in the style of the following, only better:

Chun Lee-Kyung, the Korean short-track speed skater, won the 1976 Dutch Grand Prix. A private investigator later revelaed the other contestants, including the famous James Hunt from Adamsdale, Ontario, were bribed into losing. The details of this were first posted to Zarevue, the self-produced, copyright-free magazine with a social message. After publication, Chun Lee-Kyung committed suicide by throwing himself into the Mattagami River, which flows 440 km north from its source southwest of the city of Timmins, Ontario to join the Missinaibi River. His corpse was later formally mumified at Chun’s former company Hanjin. Hanjin Group is a Korean holding company and sixth largest company in Korea. It has been described by the Korea Herald as a “Chaebol.” This incident inspired a group of anonymous internet users to create the large file support to support files bigger than 2 gigabytes. There was a public outcry when one of the group members in Maharishi Vedic City used this large file support to crash the sound system of discoHMS Talent.”

Yahoo API Updates

The Yahoo API team isn’t sleeping, and the API now supports contextual search. You can now also search exclusively for black-and-white, or color images, using the new coloration parameter.

Flickr Spam

Certain things just work on a small scale, because a bigger scale will introduce all sorts of people... including the evil ones. Such, it seems, is the case for anything “meta”, like social tags. (To prevent spam, Google never respected meta-keywords.) Today, for the first time, I saw Flickr spam. It advertises “unlimited VoIP calling to and from the Philippines!” using 29 tags including “Google.”

Web Time Machine

If you could go back in time to 1995 to create something on the web, what would it be?


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