National Vanguard has made it into Google News as source. It’s a “white pride”, racist look on world news, the homepage plastered with “I love my race” buttons. Here’s a quote from one of their articles linked from the front-page:
“Race-mixing egalitarian George Harrison, known as the “Quiet Beatle,” died in Los Angeles on November 29, 2001, after battling lung cancer and a brain tumor. He spent the last miserable weeks of his life in the company of parasitic Jew Gilbert Lederman (pictured), who exploited the dying man with the kind of gall that only a Jew could muster.”
Google says:
“Google News is a highly unusual news service in that our results are compiled solely by computer algorithms, without human intervention. As a result, news sources are selected without regard to political viewpoint or ideology, enabling you to see how different news organizations are reporting the same story. This variety of perspectives and approaches is unique among online news sites, and we consider it essential in helping you stay informed about the issues that matter most to you.”
Google News, however, still pick their sources manually; a human editor at Google, not a computer, selected National Vanguard as Google News source.
[Via LFG / ObjectSearch.]
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