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Thursday, May 19, 2005

Pixel Group Cat

Someone used the new Pixel Group app and drew a cat on it. Only minutes later, the cat was replaced by a close-up of an eye. This is so well-done I almost suspect the Ajax-service has been accessed via automation.

Gmail Instant Messenger Logger

The Gmail IM Logger plugin for Trillian Pro “logs your IM conversations to Gmail" allowing you to “keep all of your conversations in one place regardless of what computer you used.”

Google Factory Tour Webcast

Today, the Google PR team will be hosting a factory tour (“an informative day for journalists and industry analysts, covering a wide variety of aspects of Google’s products and business.”) A web cast is available.


Update: Notes and paraphrases from the Web Cast

Marissa Mayer, Director of Consumer Web Products (promoted “God knows how many times”, says Google CEO Eric Schmidt) talked about Google’s core – search:

There are behind the scenes heros at Google – the “70% engineers.” They care for right results, the right rankings, the great user experience.

The Google User says:


Director of Search quality, Peter Norvig, gave a talk on Crawling, indexing and serving 101. A user said, “If Google came in a box, I would eat it for breakfast.” Peter wants to explain “the magic.”

The web, vs Google’s copy of the web. Crawling the web by following links and sucking down pages, making sure there’s not too much load on webmaster’s servers, and no duplicates. In the end, 8 billion or so pages are stored. Now you need to figure out what to do with them.

PageRank is one important attribute (“How many other pages point to this page?”). Important links count more in PageRank. It’s an iterative process which repeats the formula several times. After PageRank, the index is organized.

Peter says: We went out to get clip arts of fancy servers. They look really nice. Our servers don’t look so nice – with all the wires coming out.


Q&A session:


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