Google Blogoscoped

Sunday, July 3, 2005

Blogger’s Spam

Via Boing Boing, here’s some information on spam blogs over at Google’s

Mobile GMaps

MGMaps by Cristian Streng promises to display Google Maps on Java-enabled smart phones like the Nokia 6600. It is distributed under a Creative Commons license, allowing you to re-distribute it for non-commercial purposes.

New Ujiko

Pandia points to a new version of Flash-based search engine Ujiko by Kartoo, which acts and looks a little bit like a video game. From the site:

“The brand new version of UJIKO evolves with your expertise: The more you use it, the more functions it is able to offer.

Basic principle: each time you visit a new site, you are gaining one point of expertise. With every 10 points, you move to the next level. Your search engine is mutating, new buttons appear giving you access to advanced features.

Animated transitions between each level are displayed to show you the new tools, which you have just acquired.”

Google Images Search History

Google extended its Search History functionality to cover the image search as well. Search on Google Images when you’re logged in and you’ll read “New! Search History now includes Google Image Search.” When you’ll click on an image in the results, you can later on see the thumbnail in your search history. [Thanks Caleb.]

Google Humor at, a German site for fun pictures and videos, has a Google special with funny (sometimes less funny) Google web search and image search results. (On a related note, also collects Bernie & Ert videos – this is a sort of adult Sesame Street parody.)


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