Google Blogoscoped

Monday, July 11, 2005

At Been Mapped, you can “bookmark the earth” (that is, create hot spots to remember on top of Google Maps).

Guess Which Movie

At the game, you are presented a still from a movie and have to select the title it’s from. [Thanks Jan S.]

Battelle Podcast

John Battelle, writer of Searchblog and band manager for Boing Boing, is being interviewed at the Gadget Show.

Google Maps API Address Look-up

John Resig shows how to translate any US address into a latitude/ longitude value pair to be used with Google Maps. (I hope Google makes address look-up an internal Maps API feature.) [Via Waxy.]

Google SMS Emulator

Google now shows a demo of their SMS functionality on the web. You can enter e.g. “population of Germany” to see a direct answer on your hand phone. This works in the US and UK. [Thanks Gary!]


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