This looks like a great spoof advertisement for Google Maps [MOV]. [Via Googler David Krane.]
Check out illusion 3 in this Flash.
“At Google, we use [ and ] to mark the beginning and end of queries. So ["scorpio submarine"] means to do a phrase search for “scorpio submarine”, while [scorpio submarine] means just to type in those words without the quotes – you leave the brackets out when you actually do the search. If youre writing on a forum or communicating with someone at Google, its less ambiguous.”
– Matt Cutts, How to Write Queries, August 11, 2005
Deane from Gadgetopia discusses the “stupidest interface ever” and says “don’t mess with standard icons.”
Ben Metcalfe found traces of a “Google Admin Console” and wonders what it is. [Via Feeeds.]
Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the web, gets interviewed by the BBC.
This comic strip generator is very well done (here’s mine). Some are quite funny. [Via MeFi.]
Rumor has it Technorati’s about to be sold to a large search engine company. Do you believe it? [Via MP.]
What if Bloggers had been around throughout history? [Thanks Miel.]
Also see my imaginary blog posts from history from last year.
Via Kottke comes a gallery with titles designed by Saul Bass.
Paul Graham tells what business can learn from open source and blogging. [Thanks Dominik.]
“The atmosphere of the average workplace is to productivity what flames painted on the side of a car are to speed. And it’s not just the way offices look that’s bleak. The way people act is just as bad.
Things are different in a startup. Often as not a startup begins in an apartment. Instead of matching beige cubicles they have an assortment of furniture they bought used. They work odd hours, wearing the most casual of clothing. They look at whatever they want online without worrying whether it’s “work safe.” The cheery, bland language of the office is replaced by wicked humor. And you know what? The company at this stage is probably the most productive it’s ever going to be.”
Google announces some new features for their Google Print Library Program.
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