“Right now, Google needs no one’s special good will, and acts that way. This is reminiscent in some ways of Microsoft, a company that had public support and industry allies, but almost no tech-world friends. Google is no Microsoft, yet, certainly not in the willingness to flout the law. But Google’s willingness to flout other norms – in particular, its grossly insufficient privacy stance, which amounts to “trust us” – will eventually rebound in ways the company may not appreciate today.”
– Dan Gillmor, Google’s Unnecessary Arrogance, 8/24/2005 [Via Kottke.]
Is the search war being continued on the instant messaging platform? DrunkenBlog has some rumors. [Via Waxy.]
MSN Search bought some screen time in the movie “The Island”. Samuel has some pictures (and a french description). According to Samuel, there are two searches performed during the movie – and only one of them returns a result. A 50% success rate is not the best these days...
Google introduced Mobile Sitemaps. I find it disturbing how many people invest so much energy to produce twice for two media – when HTML in its original spirit (and much of its design, like media-dependent CSS along with separation of layout and content) is a cross-media format; i.e., the same HTML document would work fine for mobile phones as well.
Via Peter in the forum, here’s a cartoon of how Google Talk advertisement might look like in the future...
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