Google is experimenting with a Personalized Search feature that lets you remove specific sites from search results. You need to be logged in to see this, and even then it may not appear – apparently only some can see it (or, as Googler Matt Cutts puts it, “ItÂ’s an experiment; if we showed it to everyone, it would be a beta.”). I could see the “Remove result” link below a result snippet searching for [Google] or other any other query.
Not only does this feature allow you block a specific URL for a specific search, you can also delete complete domains with all their pages from all of your results.
While this may be a good way to get rid of spam in your search results (well, after you find it, which is a little to late), some searchers may also have an uneasy feeling about depriving their future search vision, so to speak. As for me, I like to see Google is experimenting with Personalized Search, but I always get the feeling “I want to see what everyone else sees.”
[Thanks Robert Gale.]
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