Google Blogoscoped

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Google’s Dentist?

Sam Gustard claims to be Google’s “full-time, onsite dentist” and blogs about his experiences in the “Google Tooth office.” I’ve asked Google for confirmation and wait for their reply, but someone in the forum nicknamed “a Google employee” wrote: “he’s a hoax ... He’s not in our employee database like our onsite physician?”

Sam started blogging about his job (or what he claims to be his job) in September this year. As he says, that was weeks after he took the job. Here’s one of Sam’s posts:

“What a response I’ve had to my first blog entry. A lot of Google folks weren’t even aware of their new dental office, as we’ve been keeping a low profile and just rolling out service to a few select groups until we work out all the bugs. But requests for appointments have started to go through the roof. We are trying to keep an orderly schedule and slot people in best we can, so keep checking for cancellations. As you know we’re working on our intranet scheduling, alerting and triage site, so you’ll soon be able to track your dental history online.”

Keeping a low profile might be especially valuable if it’s a hoax...

Update: Google replied; yes, it’s a hoax.


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