Here’s a list of the first .com domain names in history (of course, the internet precedes the world wide web, which is why these domains are all from the 80s):
1. | 15-Mar-1985 | SYMBOLICS.COM |
2. | 24-Apr-1985 | BBN.COM |
3. | 24-May-1985 | THINK.COM |
4. | 11-Jul-1985 | MCC.COM |
5. | 30-Sep-1985 | DEC.COM |
6. | 07-Nov-1985 | NORTHROP.COM |
7. | 09-Jan-1986 | XEROX.COM |
8. | 17-Jan-1986 | SRI.COM |
9. | 03-Mar-1986 | HP.COM |
10. | 05-Mar-1986 | BELLCORE.COM |
11. | 19-Mar-1986 | IBM.COM |
11. | 19-Mar-1986 | SUN.COM |
13. | 25-Mar-1986 | INTEL.COM |
13. | 25-Mar-1986 | TI.COM |
15. | 25-Apr-1986 | ATT.COM |
16. | 08-May-1986 | GMR.COM |
16. | 08-May-1986 | TEK.COM |
18. | 10-Jul-1986 | FMC.COM |
18. | 10-Jul-1986 | UB.COM |
20. | 05-Aug-1986 | BELL-ATL.COM |
20. | 05-Aug-1986 | GE.COM |
Andrew Moulden, who provided the list, in his blog remarks:
“Lets go back exactly 17 years – to November 30th 1987. You want to register a domain name. To date, only 99 .com domains have ever been registered. Yours will be the 100th. So, what do you get? Its available! Available! All unregistered! Take your pick.”
Which name would you have registered in 1987?
[Via Boing Boing.]
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