German Spiegel has a cartoon commenting on the recent Wikipedia discussion (the artist, who’s usually showing himself in auto-biographical comic strips, is looking at his own entry in Wikipedia).
Google AdSense now allows you to go for special “themed” ad units, displaying holiday celebration icons like a Halloween pumpkin inside the ad. By default, these kind of ads are disabled. To enable them go to your Google AdSense “My Account” tab, scroll down to “Ad Type Preference” and edit the settings. [Thanks Ionut, Michel.]
If you find Slashdot’s tech news too exciting to read, I’m happy to introduce you to Boringdot – news for nerds, stuff that doesn’t matter.
Google will be added to the NASDAQ-100, CBR Online reports. [Via Slashdot.]
Via Justin, a BetaNews article on a special software fix:
“Google this week rolled out a fix to mitigate the risk from a newly discovered vulnerability in Internet Explorer that puts users of Google Desktop at risk even if they are running a fully updated system. Microsoft developers thanked Google for their work and say they are working on a patch for IE.”
I’ve added an algorithm variant to Scribbler and here are some new results:
If you’re stuck with using PHP4 for a certain purpose but you’re missing a PHP5 function (like str_ireplace), try the PHP_Compat library.
Yahoo rebrands the acquired Konfabulator as Yahoo Widget Engine and releases an updated 3.0 version. Basically, YWE allows you to put all kinds of connected tools on your desktop (that thing below your browser), from weather reports and to-do lists to more trivial things like a widget to help you decide on a lottery number, or cartoons. Yahoo’s widget engine is similar to Google Desktop and Apple Dashboard, but looks much more like the latter (smoothly colored bevels and such). Similar to those two efforts, Yahoo allows developers to easily add their own widgets. [Via Slashdot.]
Wow, this tool is lightning fast: Instant Domain Search will let you know if a domain name (for .com or .net) is free as you type. Lifehacker comments, “The results arent up-to-the-minute correct (a domain I happen to know was registered this weekend showed up as available), but InstantDomainSearch is a much faster way to try out different words and combinations than regular ol’ type and push a button searches.”
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