BMW has been talking to Google/ Matt Cutts and apparently filed a reinclusion request (formal or informal) – they’re back in Google with, as Christian Mayer notes in the forum. is back as well. Matt says:
“I appreciate BMWs quick response on removing JavaScript-redirecting pages from BMW properties. The webspam team at Google has been in contact with BMW, and Google has reincluded in our index. Likewise, has also removed similar doorway pages and has been reincluded in Googles index.”
So the spam’s gone*, and many German web companies by now realized they must check their SEOs more closely to tell the good ones (which exist) from the bad ones (which exist too). Google has its own chapter on search engine optimizers to help:
“Many SEOs provide useful services for website owners, from writing copy to giving advice on site architecture and helping to find relevant directories to which a site can be submitted. However, a few unethical SEOs have given the industry a black eye through their overly aggressive marketing efforts and their attempts to unfairly manipulate search engine results.”
*Some of the former doorway pages – e.g. when you search for “BMW used cars” in German – now show pages, but as these send a “file not found” header, they are likely to be automatically removed from the Google index in a future update. Unless, of course, BMW will put real content onto them...
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