Interesting. This blogger is using a JavaScript to redirect searchers coming from Yahoo... to an Amnesty International page detailing Yahoo’s help in imprisoning Chinese dissidents. (Technically, it’s a bit like a doorway page, even though not for spammy, but political purposes.) Try it by entering no fat clips into Yahoo, and click on the top organic result.
What’s “Brrreeeport” and “Breememe“? It’s no search engine optimization contest, this time... it’s a blog search/ meme tracking experiment.
Ask is getting rid of its butler... you can say good-bye to him now on the official farewell site. From the farewell letter: “When you come to Ask Jeeves these days, you’re not really asking Jeeves anymore... you’re searching Ask.” (As if Ask Jeeves ever really was that “human to human” answer machine! It was branded as such, but those believing that legend were in for a disappointment when they saw actual results... because so far, no one seems to have gotten the AI right that will understand the “long tail” of questions. It’s good for to give up on this. On a side-note, I think the butler was far too fleshed out to work as a global “semi-neutral” character.)
[Thanks Gary.]
Garett Rogers did more snooping around in the Gmail source code, and found bits and pieces hinting at voicemail and Evite integration.
Update: Coincidentally, Greg Wadden just emailed me... he wanted to rename a label to “Voicemail” and got a conflict message in Gmail, telling him that “System specific names are not allowed.”
Greg writes:
“Having tried to mess around with Labels and Filters in the past I know that google disallows the use of certain words that are “locked" for their specific usage that could cause potential conflicts.
I was obviously able to create the Label initially and had renamed it before...but not anymore.
Which leads me to the obvious conclusion that sometime soon there will be an integrated “Google Talk” voicemail feature/service.”
This is interesting. Peter (Pd in the forum) asked me to turn this post into a t-shirt for him to buy... and so I did, and so he did! (If there are any more t-shirt suggestions, just email me or post in the forum, and I’ll see what I can do.)
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