Saturday, April 22, 2006
Google Video Museum (Watch This in 10 Years)
Already there’s a Google screenshot museum for future reference. Now I wanted to add videos, because often screenshots don’t tell the whole story – in particular with dynamic applications such as Gmail.
- Google Web Search [WMV] (OneBox results, Google Calculator...)
- Gmail [WMV]
- Google Personalized Homepage [WMV]
- Google Search History [WMV]
- Google AdSense [WMV]
- Google AdWords [WMV]
- Google April Fool’s pages [WMV]
- Google Images [WMV]
- Google Groups [WMV]
- Google News [WMV]
- Froogle [WMV]
- Google Maps [WMV]
- Google Blog Search [WMV]
- Google’s blogs [WMV]
- Blogger [WMV]
- Google Page Creator [WMV]
- Google Book Search [WMV]
- Misc. Google services [WMV] (Advanced Search, About Google, Search tips, Enterprise Solutions, Google Logos, Google Translator, Google Store...)
- Google Labs [WMV] (Firefox Extensions, Related Links, Mac Dashboard Widgets, Google Transit, Google Reader, Google Ride Finder, Google Suggest, Google Site-flavored Search, Mobile, Google Scholar, Google Desktop, Google Sets...)
- Google Video [WMV]
- Google Catalogs [WMV]
- Google Directory [WMV]
- Google Finance [WMV]
- Google Special Searches [WMV]
- Google Calendar [WMV]
- More Google [WMV] (Picasa, Google Talk, Google Maps Mobile, Google Pack, Google Toolbar)
- Google Germany [WMV]
- Google’s My Account page [WMV]
- Orkut [WMV]
- Google’s sitemap [WMV] (Search basics, Google Answers, Investor Relations, corporate overview, awards, media room...)
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