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Thursday, April 27, 2006

Yahoo Babel Fish

AltaVista Babel Fish (named after Douglas Adams’ babel fish) is now Yahoo Babel Fish. The translation results, powered by Systran, are exactly the same as with Google’s translator.

Also, Yahoo is releasing a translator search feature for Yahoo Germany* and France... you can search in one language, but have your query be translated in the background, searching for multiple languages at once. For example, a search for the German urlaub in Paris find results for the English vacation in Paris. Finally, you can click on “translate the page” in the results to see the English page in German. Technically speaking, you’ll be then accessing Yahoo’s server, not the copyright owner’s server... this might cause some debate in the future should such services get more mainstream (which I think will only happen when the translations are improved).

*In Germany, the feature has the horrible name “Suche Translator.”


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