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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Google Notebook Is Live

It was announced on Wednesday last week, and now it’s live: Google Notebook. With Notebook, you can collect text snippets, images and links while surfing, right within your browser window. This information is accessible from different computers, and you can also make notebooks public. Google Notebook right now is a “Labs" release, which is a kind of new Beta.

After you signed in to your Google Account, you need to download and install a little application – for Firefox, that’s an extension, and as usual you need to restart the browser to activate it. In Firefox, the first thing you’ll notice uporestart is an “Open Notebook” icon in the bottom right:

You can open it on any page, like, and then copy pieces from the page by selecting them and clicking “Add note”:

You don’t need to have your Notebook open for this, as you can also right-click a selection and then choose “Note this”. You can also select “Note this” when you right-clicked an image to add this image to the Notebook clipboard.

Google Notebook is also integrated into Google results. You will see a “Note this” link below each result snippet (or a “Duly noted” link if you’ve clicked it before):

To go to your Notebooks homepage, click the “expand” icon on your Notebook.

You can then create new Notebooks or make your existing ones public. I’ve added another notebook for that purpose and you can check its contents on my Notebook page. To switch between your Notebooks while browsing, click the Notebook selector icon  to the left of the “Add note” button.

How do you all like this, and what do you expect to use Google Notebook for? And what features do you still wish for? Oreo in the previous forum discussion comments:

This is amazing! I am speechless (...) I love it as much as I loved Gmail when I saw it for the first time. I’m sure it will be packed with visitors tonight and tomorrow!

[Thanks Paul Stone, Oreo and Colin.]


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